Chapter 16

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Katniss' POV
"Peeta, I know you are. You don't have to tell me every single time something like this happens. You can't control it." I say in a harsh tone.

"No, Katniss. I hurt you when this kind of stuff happens," he says, pulling me a bit away, so I can see his face.

"I want you to know that I am sorry. That this mutt inside of me, is gone. And that I am here."

"Peeta, it's not that hard to tell," I say in a comforting voice. He strokes my arm.

"No, I know that. Maybe it's not even for you. Maybe it's for myself. I mean, the mutt wouldn't be sorry. Maybe it's so that I know that I am back," he tells me.
It actually makes sense. Kind of like a reality check for him. Making sure that he is back.

"Then, it's okay." I tell him. I move as close into him as I possibly can. His arms wrap around me, like a warm blanket. I realize that I only feel this safe, when I'm with him. It's funny how I feel the most safe when I'm with a guy who sometimes will try to kill me.
I lay my head on his chest, feeling rising and falling calmly. His heartbeat is steady and calm, which tells me that he won't have a mutt-outbreak anytime soon.

After a while, he gets up. "I'm freezing," he says, hobbling over to the fireplace. He quickly gets a good fire going, and he hobbles back to me.

This time we lay down. While were watching the fireplace, we cuddle.

"It reminds me of you, you know?" Peeta suddenly whispers, not trying to ruin the moment by talking too loud.

"What? The fireplace?" I whisper back.

"Yeah, well, more like the first time I held your hand. At the opening ceremony for the first Games. Where we were on fire for the first time."

I turn around, so I am now facing him. "You know, now that I think about it, you were on fire too," I smile at him.
He gives me this amazing, happy smile back that makes my whole body explode with joy. Then, he leans in and kisses my nose. I bury my body in his is, and drift off into a nightmare-free sleep.

Before I completely doze off, Peeta says something I can't quite make out. But it's not 'always'.
It's three words, I think.


Peeta's POV
Katniss has been asleep for about an hour now. I carefully get up, making sure to not wake her up. I hobble out into the kitchen, and start to prepare about a dozen cheesebuns.


When they're done I wake up Katniss. I shake her lightly, whispering into her ear: "Katniss, wake up. I have a little surprise for you." I make my lips playfully tickle her ear, making her wake up.

"What?" She groans, rubbing her eyes. "What's what smell? Cheesebuns!" She flies up, and hugs me. I return the favor.

"Thanks Peeta!" She squels, running into the kitchen.
While we eat our cheesebuns, Katniss asks: "What about your furniture situation? Should we make that paint studio of yours?"

"No. I actually met someone I want you to meet," I say.

"Oh, what's his name?"

"It's a girl," I answer quietly. Is she going to be angry?

"Oh, well.. What's her name, then?" She asks, looking a bit confused.

"Panna." I answer.

"Oh, that's cute. How did you meet her?" Katniss says, picking a bit off the bun, before putting the piece in her mouth.

"She was managing the bakery before we came back," I explain. "I met her when I went down to the bakery, and hired her." I continue. "She's a really good baker, and came up with this amazing idea for the walls."

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