Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV
I place the frames down on my nightstand and drag the locket over my head.

I am playing with the pearl Peeta gave me, when Haymitch bursts through the door.

"Ever heard of knocking, Haymitch? I could be naked," I say calmly, not looking away from the pearl. His gift has really given me some sort of soothing, calm feeling.

"We have a problem, sweetheart," Haymitch says, in a not so calm tone.

I put the pearl down, and sit up straight in the bed.

"What's wrong, Haymitch?" I ask, this time less calm. "Is it Peeta?" I can already feel a fear shooting through me. Did he stop breathing or something?

"Oh yeah, shit, you don't know that either," he says, more calm now. "Then I have both good and bad news."

I know that something is up with Peeta, and it is killing me. "Tell the the news with Peeta," I demand.

"Peeta is fine. He is probably going to wake up soon. It's insane, we were sure that he wouldn't make it, but he did. It probably has something to do with-"

I cut him off as I stand up and rush over to hug him tightly. It's a long time since I have felt such joy. The last time was when brought back to thirteen. But his fingers locking around my throat was quite the moodkiller.
Nothing seems to be able to kill this joy. Right?

Haymitch waits a couple of seonds, but then he finally hugs be back.

And then the moodkiller arrives.

The door opens, and in walk someone that I thought that I would never have to see ever again.
I fill up with anger as I see the face looking into my eyes, just begging for forgivness.

"Catnip," Gale says.

"Here we have the bad news. Keep him away from Peeta," Haymitch whispers, as he tries to snake his way out the door.

I am walking in circles, trying to assemble all the thoughts running through my mind:
What is he doing here?
What did Haymitch mean by ' Keep him away from Peeta'?

And then there is the worst one:
It all adds up. He was in on the plan.
The plan that would kill Prim.
Why else would he just run off to District 2?

I stop up.
"Dont. Call. Me. That!" My eyes widen and my my rushes up to my mouth.
It didn't even sound like myself. I sounded like Peeta when he acts all muttish.

"Katniss, just please let me talk to."

"No." I whisper as I cut him off. "Get out of here. Please. Just leave!" I cry out.

"Katniss, I came all the way from District 2 to make things alright between us again," his voice cracks. Is he going to cry?

"Make things alright? You fucking killed my sister! How the hell could you ever make things alright?" I scream. I don't care if I hurt him.

"Either you leave, or I do!" I hiss at him.

"Katniss, don't do this to me. Don't do this to us,"

To us?
There were never a us.
I was just too stupid and hurt to see that I didn't love him.
I've never felt anything.
Only the same anger and hurt as him.
That was the only reason we ever connected.
He hated everything and everyone.
But I am not the same person anymore.
The Games changed me.
Peeta changed me.
The Rebellion changed me.
And we will never work out again.

"There is no us, Gale. There never were," I hiss at him.
I walk towards the door, but a big, strong arm stops me.
"Let me go Gale!" I yell at him.

"Not before you-" I grab his wrist, and kick him in the stomach, so that I can pull him away. Apparently the self-defence classes I took in the training arena before the first Games wasn't a complete waste of time.

I run out of the door and down the hall. Just letting my feet take me wherever they want to go.
Soon enough I can hear Gale running after me. I pick up a little speed.

Of course my feet would take me here.

"If a tall, buff guy that could look like my relative comes by and tries to get in, you have to stop him. It could mess up Peeta. Now let me in," I tell the guards, shaking from the adrenaline that is pumping through my blood.

They let me in and quickly lock the door behind me. I can hear Gale coming towards the door.

"Let me in!" He says loudly. I hope Peeta won't hear it.

"We're sorry, but only close friends, family or doctors of Mr. Mellark is allowed in there."

"Figures Peeta is in there," I can hear Gale mumble through what seems like paper thin walls.
"You have to let me in. I am a close friend of Peeta. I fucking saved him from the Capitol!" He yells.

"Name?" One of the guards says calmly. THey have a list of everyone allowed in here. I'm number one on that list.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Gale Hawthorne." He says.

"You are unfortunately not on this list, Mr. Hawthorne. We'll have to ask you to leave. Now."

He groans, and I can hear him turn around. I cross my fingers, and hope that he is going to pack his things and leave.

I walk past Peeta, to see him still in a coma. I place myself in a corner and cry my eyes out.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now