Chapter 13

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Peeta's POV
I like Panna. She's so nice and an amazing baker. We talk about the Rebellion.

'"What did they do to you?" She asks, probably thinking about the Capitol interviews, and how quickly I changed apperence.

"They hijacked me. Messed with my memories, tortured me," I coldly answer. I'm so tired of talking about it.

"You poor soul!" She gasps.

"Can we not talk about it? It's over. I'm basically back to normal , but if I ever act weird, just don't get too close, okay?"

"Okay," she nods.

We talk a little bit about the Games, since it's hard to remember what's right and wrong, it doesn't really affect me.
She tells me that her whole family rooted for me and Katniss to win the Games. Why? Careers always win. Why didn't they hope that their own District won? And, out of all Districts: Twelve? Why?

We talk a little about how the bakery should look.

"It has to be more welcoming," she says. "What about a nice, like, I don't know, light blue color on the walls?"

"I was thinking.. Sunset orange?" I say.

"Why don't we just do both? It'll look amazing!" She says, enthusiastiucally.

"Sounds good to me," I smile to her. I look out of the window, and realize that it has gone dark.

"We should probably get home," I say.

"Yeah," she agrees.

"Where do you live? I can follow you home." I really, really like this girl. I can't put my finger on it, but there is just something about her, that's so amazing, it hurts.

"It's really not that far, I can walk by myself," she assures me.

"Aw, come on. Follow you home is the least I can do for you. You have been so good to the bakery," I insist.

"Fine," she groans, but still smiling. Once again, that feeling of me knowing her, of me feeling home, is there.


We walk to what was once the Seam. Now, it looks really good.

"So, this is where I live," she smiles. It's a little white house, with a little porch.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yea-No, I can't tomorrow. I am making a Paint Studio kind of thing tomorrow."

"Oh, see you in two days, then?"


As I walk away, I wave to her. Why does she look so familiar, and why do I feel at home when i talk to her?


I wake up by the telephone ringing. I walk downstairs, and pick it up. Who could be calling this late at night?

"Hello? Who is this?" I say in a sleepy voice, rubbing my eyes.

"Peeta? I know this is a lot to ask, but can you come over? I would walk over to you, but I'm scared. I have a feeling that someone is watching me, but I still don't want to leave. I'm afraid of what I might see when I come back, and if you can come, maybe, if there is someone, they'll leave," I hear Katniss' scared voice explain.

"Katniss, you call me at one in the morning, you live right in front of me, it's going to take like a minute to walk over here, and then you're too scared, because you think that there is a murderer in your house? That makes no sense, and for Gods sake, you're Katniss Fucking Everdeen. You have handled a lot of murderers in your past!"

"I know. I'm sorry Peeta, I'm just too scared to move," she says with hurt in her voice.

"Katniss, I'm kidding. I'll come over." I can't see her, but I know that she's smiling. Not a lot, just a little bit.

"Thank you so much Peeta!" She says, before hanging up.

I walk upstairs to grab a shirt and a pair of sweatpants. The shirt is white, and the pants are black.
I walk downstairs again, grabbing my keys. People don't really steal in Twelve, especially in the Victors Village. People don't want to mess with Victors. But, it gives me comfort. I put on a pair of shoes, and head over to Katniss' house.

When I get there, I can tell that something is wrong. The door is wide open. I sneak in. Luckily, my prostetic leg has gone through some special gene/cell treatment, so it works just like a normal leg, not causing any unwanted sound.

I sneak out in the kitchen, grab a butcherknife, and then I call out: "Katniss?"

"P--" is all I hear, before her voice cuts off.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now