Chapter 2

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Peeta's POV
I hate The Machine. And I hate that I like Katniss' touch. Even though she doesn't ask the guards for help, they still come running, whe she starts to untie me from my bed. Katniss asks me politely to stand up, and I always think for a second before I do as she asks me to. She hooks my head, my arms and my legs to The Machine that Beetee built for me. It reads my mind, and Beetee can tell Katniss what I am thinking, so that he can help her 'cure me'.

Katniss' POV
As usual, Peeta complaints about The Machine. But it helps me know which questions to ask him, and which not to. The Machine is big and heay, so Peeta gets put in a wheelchair, and then the guards locks his hands and feet down, so he can't move.

Poor Peeta, I think. I can tell how much he hates it, because it reminds him of the biggest part of his hijacking. That machine did kind of the same thing as this one.

Knew what he was thinking. It had a syringe that was filled up with Tracker Jacker vemon, and it would shoot it into him, while that machine played with his memory. And then there were all the torturing, too.

Effie and Haymitch leaves Peeta's rrom, and I roll him into an office-kind-of room where there is a long table that separates us. I roll him over t one of the ends of the table, and then I walk over to the other end of the table, where I find the necessary things for taking notes with.

"Okay, Peeta. You know the drill by now. What do you want to start with?" I ask him. As I expected, he is waiting for The Machine to answer, and I shortly after hear Beetee's voice in my ear.

"Real or not real," Beetee says, answering for Peeta.

"Real or not real, it is Peeta." I repeat.

It starts off as usual. Peeta ask questions through Beetee, and I answer them. It is silly, random questions like: "I am a boy. Real or not real?"

Even though he already knows that. Questions about me is usually also asked through Beetee.

He doesn't like to show affection towards me with his own voice, but today, when he is done with wasting our time, the first question that comes out of his mouth is:
"You hate me. Real or not real?"

Almost before he is done I answer him.

"Not real, Peeta. If I hated you, do you think that I would sit here?" I am not supposed to be any kind of mean or defensive towards Peeta. But this is not Peeta. This is not my boy with the bread. Haymitch tries to calm me down, but it is not working.

"You are lying. Real or not real?"

"Peeta!" I say a bit too loud.

"REAL OR NOT REAL?" He screams. He is turning into a mutt. I have to do something. Now. But, I don't know what.

I try to answer with a 'not real' but it is not working.

He is trying to break free from the wheelchair, and within seonds he'll be screaming 'mutt' at me. The guards start to walk towards him, but it makes him panic even more.

"Stop! Do not move closer to him!" I yell. "I an handle this. I can handle him." I walk over to him, tears filling up in my eyes. I hate watching him fight off the memories.

"GO AWAY YOU STUPID MU-" I cut him off by putting my hand over his mouth. I do not care id Haymitch is screaming in my ear, telling me to remove my hand, so he doesn't bite me.

He's too shocked to think about hurting me right now. I put down my hand and unhook the wires connecting him to The Machine.
Beetee gets upset, but I don't are. Peeta is so confused, that he is just foaming out of his mouth and looking at me, trying to find out what my motives are, while he just hisses at me. Just hisses.

When I am done, I take out my earplug, turn it off and put it on the table.

I kneel in front of him, wipe the foam away with my sleeve, then put my hands on top of his, and whisper three words, that I know can for at least a second bring back the old Peeta: "Stay with me."

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now