Chapter 5

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Katniss' POV

I take Peeta's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Peeta, t's okay, I'm here now, it's all going to be fine," I tell him with a calm voice, as I am stroking his forehead.
He keeps, screaming, but he relaxes more and more as I am talking to him.
Lying to him.
He is having a nightmare about when he was captured by the Capitol, and he was screaming after me. In the arena, throughout the hijacking, everything. And here I am, acting like nothing is wrong, telling him that I am here and that everything is fine. Why must I be such a liar?


I drift on and off to sleep, but I always wake up again. It's pretty hard to sleep, when you are holding hands with someone, while they are having nightmares. Sometimes Peeta crushes my hand by accident, because he is scared. Even though it hurts like hell, I don't stop holding it. I just calm him down by whispering calming things to him.


I open my eyes and look up at Peeta. He looks scared and his eyes are wild and glossy. HE looks around the room, to see all the people passed out on the floor.

I follow his eyes wandering around the room. I've never thought about it, but it looks a lot like a normal room. Besides The Machine and his bed with the chains that hold him down at night, that is.

When his eyes lands on the guards, his body stiffens and his grip on my hand tightens. I forgot that I was holding his hand. And I don't think that he is realizing it either. So I pretend like our finger are not intertwined with each other.
But they are. They are indeed. And it feels amazing to finally feel his touch again.

"Why is everyone sleeping in here?" He asks as his voice is shaking.

"You had a pretty rough night," I answer him softly.

"And why exactly did they let you sleep next to me?" He asks confused.

"When you were screaming, I-"

"Screaming?" He cuts me off, looking deeply into my eyes.

He is probably fighting off something, maybe the nightmare.

"Well, more like crying," I shrug.

"Crying?" He looks at me with disbelif in his blue eyes.

"I don't know how to explain it. But you were calling for me."

"Now it's calling? Make up your mind," he shakes his head at me, once again cutting me off.

"Well, if you would just let me finish, I could-"

"I won't," he says, smiling at me.

For a moment I think that Peeta is back.

Finally back.

Out of impulse I move closer to him. And closer. And closer.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He says, raising his voie, but not enough to wake up the others. He looks down at our hands, and as soon as he sees them, he throws my hand out of his.

Confused, I say: "I-- I didn't mean to- I don't..." I rumage through my brain to find words, but I can't find them.
I back off, and get up on my feet.

"Where are you going?" He aks, frowning at me.

"I have to.. bathe.. my.. feet?" I say, sounding like a complete idiot. I run out of the door, down the hall.

When I return to my room, I throw myself on the bed, crying into a pillow. How could I be so stupid? He isn't gonna change because I hold his hand. Why did I try to kiss him? God, I am the biggest idiot.

I can hear a growling from my stomach, and I throw a look over at my alarm clock. 7.30am. I could eat breakfast, but I don't want to. Instead, I turn back to my already wet pillow, and I continue to soak it, in my wet, salty tears.


"Weren't you supposed to bathe your feet?"

I look up from my pillow, and into Peeta's eyes, as he is standing in the doorway, leaning up against the door frame.

I squint at him, asking: "How are they letting you out?"

"They don't. The guards are asleep, and you didn't lock the door after yourself," he smiles at me, revealing the old Peeta. He slowly move closer to me. When he reaches my bed, he crawls into it.

"Before, were you trying to kiss me?" He says, looking deeply into my eyes, no, my lips.

"I- I don't know," I say, swallowing some spit.

Peeta moves so close to me, that his lips are brushing my ear, when he whispers: "Do you want to kiss me?"

I turn my head to his, looking confused at him. Before I can speak, he grabs my face, pulling me into his lips. I don't hesitate for one second.

The hunger.

It's back.

While still kissing me, Peeta says: "Katniss, you awake? What, what are you doing?"
Peeta's voice turns into Haymitch's, as he says: "OH MY GOD, KATNISS WAKE UP!"


I lift my head up quickly, pulling away from what my mind thought was Peeta. My pillow. This day isn't even halfway done, and it is already the most embarrassing, ever.

"Haymitch!" I scream at him.

"What are you doing in here?" I say, pulling my blanket into me, hugging it tightly. I am shaking from the dreamkiss with Peeta.

"I am making sure that you are ready to go to Twelve?" He says, looking weirdly at me. To be honset, it's not the first time he has seen me making out with someone. I remember the cave- and beach kiss with Peeta. I get goosebumps all over, just by thinking of his soft lips against mine.

"Twelve?" I look confused at him.

"Yeah, District Twelve, remember? The district you spend about the 17 first years of your life in?" He says annoyed to me.

"I know what Twelve is but what do you mean by if 'I'm ready for Twelve'?" I ask, also annoyed. We are both getting on each others nerves now.

"For the past week you have been begging me to take you to Twelve," he groans.
"But I am guessing you forgot after... Whatever you were doing with your pillow?"

"Okay, Haymitch, I'll get ready now!" I groan into the pillow.

"Now that's the spirit, sweetheart!" He laughs, walking out of the room.

"I'll se you in twenty!" He yells, while walking through the door.

"Five!" I yell back at him.

"Forget it! You smell like shit!" He laughs from outside the door.

I smell myself under the arms. I don't smell that bad. But then I remember how weirdly loving Haymitch and Effie has been recently, and that she insisted on coming with. I don't want to see that for a long time.


As we walk to the hovercraft, me, Haymitch, Effie and a pilot, can hear Peeta sreaming about mutts and torture. I know that he is with Dr. Aurelius. I walk up the ramp as the last one. When I'm inside, the ramp goes up, closing the hovercraft. I sit down and buckle up, and even though I actually can't hear Peeta anymore, in reality, his screams sticks to my brain and repeat over and over again, as we take off for Twelve.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now