Chapter 10

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I didn't what to expect, but definitely not this:

"I can't take this anymore. I can't.
Does she hate me?
Do I hate her?
Does she love me?
Do I love her?
What is wrong with me?
Why did she leave me?
Is she scared of me?
What is wrong with me?
I can't take this.

What was all that?

I take off the headphones, and I can feel my body shaking.

"What.. What was that? What kind of thoughts was that?"

"Probably him turning into a mutt," Beetee answers.

I turn to Haymitch. "What about the Games part?"

"You told her about that?" Beetee practically yells at Haymitch.

"Was I not allowed to know about it?" I ask.

"Not yet."

"Are you going to something with it?" I hiss at Beetee.

"No, but his brain is very unclear. I would like to at least have an idea about what he is talking about, before showing it to you, but now that Haymitch can't keep his mouth shut, I'll show it to you."

I can't describe his thoughts at all. He is talking about 30 different things at the same time, a lot of them are not real.

When I remove the headphones again, my head is hurting.

"I have no idea what he is talking about," I say. "Most of the stuff wasn't real, but so much of it felt real."
I don't know what to do with myself. The thoughts from the arena is drowning in the first one's I heard. We are one step closer to a hijacked persons's mind.


As I walk back towards my room, I stop in fron of Peeta's. Earlier today was so surreal, and I don't know how to continue after that episode today. The only problem is the time.
It's only 7.30pm and I promised him that I would stop by, if it wasn't too late.

I decide to continue walking, all the way back to my room.

As much as I hate being in the Capitol, in President Snow's palace, I feel at home in my room. It's nice and cozy and with Buttercup, it feels a little more like home, even though he is sometimes really annoying.

I realize that I am still wearing the locket that Haymitch gave me. I throw myself down onto the bed and open it to gaze at the photos, giving m warmth and happiness.


I wake up, when I hear the door be opend. Wait, were I asleep? For how long
The last thing I remember was when I was looking in the locket.

I look up to see how came in, and I'm not thrilled by it.

"I thought you went back to 2," I say coldly.

"Not before we have fixed this mess," Gale says in a harsh tone. He's not leaving.

"It's not happening Gale."

"Then I'm not leaving."

I get frustrated by Gales words. Who does he think he is, just giving out demands like that? What, he just thinks that I am just going to leave everything behind, and just jump into his arms? Not happening.

And, what's even worse is that, his idea of fixing this, is for me to love him. Again, not happening. Pluse, if I were to end up loving him, he would probably still stay. Am I seriously stuck with him forever?

"Listen, Gale. There is this minor problem about you staying here: Someone might literally lose their mind. You might literally be killing someone's mind by sticking around. And I think that you've already killed enough, Gale."

My words hit him like a train, and makes him leave the room quickly. I know that he's coming back, but right now, I don't care.

I look at the alarm clock. 10.05pm. Might as well go to sleep.


Peeta leans in to kiss me, like he's done so many times before in here.

There is no one else I'd rather be with in here. And we have the chance of getting out of here together.

The arena is probably the least romantic place to do this in, but it's all we got right now. Peeta gets on top of me.

He begins to slide down my pants, but I stop him.

"No, Peeta.. Not here, you're wounded," I say, trying to push him off.

He leans into my ear, as he whispers: "Come on, they'll love it."

His hands are holding my face, as we're kissing. His hands move down to my neck, supporting my head.

Then his hands lock around my throat, and I can't breathe. Everything goes black.

Far, far away, I can hear Peeta at the same time is laughing and crying, while screaming: "MUTT! KATNISS! MUTT! KATNISS!"

I still can't breathe, and now I'm go--


I wake up from screaming, crying and sweating. I am bleeding on my left arm, I can tell, from pinching myself.

I calm myself down my breathing slowly and then I grab the locket Haymitch gave me, and the pearl Peeta gave me.

Whenever I drift off to sleep, the same exact nightmare pops up. Well, more like little bits and pieces from it, since I quickly wake myself up each time. At last, I give up on sleeping more that night.
I get up from my bed, and jump into the shower.

The pleasantly warm streams hitting my body calms me down, as if I can just feel the nightmare washing off.
When I get out, I blowdry my hair and put on some clean underwear and clean clothes.

I look over at the alarm clock. 2.30am. God, I am up early.


I don't know exactly what happened, but I find myself standing in Peeta's room, a little away from the bed.
I tried to sneak in, but Peeta woke up.

"Katniss?" He says in a sleepy voice. "What are you doing here?"

Before I can think of an answer, I say: "Can I stay with you?"

His body twitches a bit, before saying:

Peeta's POV

"Always," I answer in a shaky tone.
What did I just say to her?

The mutt that isn't a mutt, but is?

My brain is working on full speed, as she comes closer to me.

I remember what was said and done earlier today. I was confused, and felt really weird. Why in the world would you ever comfort your enemy?

She makes her way over to my bed, and I move a little, so there is room for her.
It's hard with the chains, but I manage.
Then we just lay there on the bed, awkwardly. She looks at me in a weird way, and like a reflex, I put my arm around her.

What is happening? I am filling up with rage, anger, fear, hope, happiness, love and hatred all at the same time.
It reminds me of earlier today, where the same thing happend. I was comforting her and hugging her, even asking her to come back later.

As she falls asleep, I can't. The different memories come and go, and I can sort out most of them, but sometimes I cringe, and at one point I am about to strangle her. It would be so easy. She is right there. Right here. But, I can't do it.

I remember something. A brown haired girl, her hair in two braids. She is only about 5, and so am I. I can tell that my 5-year old self thought that she was beautiful, but right now her face is blurry and I can't tell who she is.

She is singing a song that sounds truly beautiful, and I can feel my 5-year old self falling in love. I don't remember what the song is called, but the memory makes me happy, andd I drift off to sleep with my enemy in my arms.

Hijacked (An Everlark Fanfic) (Plot twist/After Mockingjay story)Where stories live. Discover now