Sorry u__u

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First of all, sorry for the delayIt happens that when I started (again) to translate my fic, I had just finished reading Breath, the story of Tul and Rock and I wanted to include a little more of that story in my fic (I totally LOVE Breath).

A really important moment is when the grandmother dies and it occurred to me that I could include it in the English version, since when I originally made the fic (in 2019) I had not even read the original story of Tin Can.

The thing is that I found a place to put the funeral chapter and I started doing it from scratch but I realized that it would not make much sense in my fic, so I decided to discard it and these days I didn't upload anything because I was doing that chapter (I didn't delete it, I have it, but I'm not going to post it)
So I will translate normally again. Sorry for waiting!

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