Chapter 5 (Claire)

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  I sit through the rest of first hour, but I feel eyes burning themselves into the back of my skull. I scoot closer to Sam for comfort, and his arm snakes it's way around my waist.

  As soon as the bell rings, I'm on my feet and grab my things. Sam is right in front of me.

  And then, my foot catches on something and I jerk forward with a scream and plow into Sam. I hear Blake and Emily laughing behind me. Knowing them, this isn't over.

  Sam pushes me ahead of him so he is sandwiched between Blake and I. For that, I'm greatful. "Sleeves, Clarie," he mutters in my ear and I yank my sleeves down.


  Half of the day passes in a blur, and then it's lunch time. Sam and I walk into the cafeteria together, me pushing myself against him, getting as close as possible. We pick our usual seats and then someone comes by and drops a Coke on the table. I look around frantically but no one seems to have noticed.

  Sam was examining it. "There's a note," he says, taking off the sticky note and placing it in front of me. I read it five times to make sure it was right.

  This is a gift, from me to you. I hope it is as sweet as you are.
  Your secret admirer.
  I look at Sam with raised eyebrows and snatch the Coke from him. "It's addressed to me." I open the Coke, and it explodes. The whole cafeteria errupts with laughter.

  "I got it!" I know that voice. He's been taunting me all day. This was all a prank.

  Tears spring to my eyes and Sam is on his feet, getting napkins. When he comes back, he helps me clean up. Then, he helps dry me off with a towel, borrowed from the janitor. By this point, I'm crying quietly.

  Sam pulls me into him and sighs. "It'll be okay Claire. Everything will I promise."

  I bury my face in his neck, wanting to hide from everything. "Sure it will," I grumble while crying.

  "Claire, stop being such a baby!" I hear Emily's voice near me, but Sam is dragging me away.

  We get to the bathroom and he ducks in with me. He lifts me up onto the counter. I'm still crying but I've starting shaking. Sam knows what I want, but he shakes his head. "I'll bring the councilor if you think about it Claire," he whispers.

  I dry my tears, and Sam continues to help me clean up. If I would choose anyone to help me, it would be Sam. No matter what it was, he would always help me. No matter how embarrassing.

  When I am finally clean, Sam's arms encircle me. "We'll get them back, Claire bear," he whispers into my hair. I smile when he uses my nickname, no matter how much I hate it.

  "Okay Sammy," I whisper, hugging him back.

  Nothing can make this day worse right? Not with Sam around. He won't let it happen.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and put my head on his shoulder. He carries me out without a question.

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