Chapter 3 (Claire)

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  My parents drop me off at school and I go inside. I keep my eyes down avoiding stares.

  Someone shoves me into a locker. I yelp and look up to see it's the jock of the school, Blake Dewer, and his girlfriend, Emily Taylor. His friend, Chase Louis, isn't far behind.

  "Watch it," Blake growls at me. Emily is clinging happily to his arm, smirking at me. I'd love to smack that bitchy smirk right off her face.

  "You ran into me," I grumbled, trying to move on my way again. All of a sudden, an arm is blocking my view.

  "What did you say?"

  "N-nothing," I stammer, looking up at Blake. He smiles a devilish smile and moves his arm.

  "Say anything to me and I swear I will hurt you." I nod and quickly walk away.

  My best friend, Sam Vincent, is leaning on my locker, waiting for me. He must've seen my wild eyed expression, because he immediately looked worried. "You okay?"

  "For now. I was almost lunch meat Sam. I quite literally ran into Blake Dewer!" I look up to see Sam's face. Him and I always look odd together. The tall, handsome, tan, blonde haired boy and the short, pale, black haired, blue eyed, emo girl. It even amuses our parents.

  "God Claire, can't you stay out of trouble?" He has an amused smile on his face. I roll my eyes and shove past him to get to my locker.

  "Not funny Sam," I grumble. "You aren't the one that got threatened." I cast a death glare up at him through my bangs.

  "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" All of a sudden, he's hugging me. "But I won't let him get to you. You're safe with me."

  "Thanks Sam," I say as I wiggle free of his grasp and grab my things for first hour.

  Sam and I start walking to our first hour class, when out of no where, Chase comes up and knocks all my things out of my hands. I sigh in frustration and bend to pick them up.

  I hear Sam cursing at Chase. Chase is laughing.

  Once all my things are off the floor, I press myself to Sam's side to make him walk, and he wraps an arm around my waist. "I'd love to smack that look off his face," he growls defensively.

  "Sam, give it up," I say, pressing closer to him. "You can't fight Chase at school."

  "Right, but out of school I could."

  "Not tonight you aren't. My parents are leaving town again and I need company. You know how I hate being alone Sam."

  "But can't I ruin that face of his for you Claire?"

  "Please just spend time with me Sammy!" I slip in his nickname to make him feel worse for me. And, of course, it works.

  "Fine. But you better be cooking dinner."

  "Me? Cook?" I start laughing. "Sam, you're funny. I'll order pizza. Tomorrow we can have Chinese take out."

  "And then, sometime, we can have Chase take out."

  "You're bad at jokes Sammy."

  "It was clever though."

  He held the door open for me to go into the classroom. I go in and he follows and we take our seats in the front.

  Not even a minute after I sit down, a paper airplane hits the back of my head. I pick it up. It has one word scawled all over it. Freak.

  I crumble it up and throw it at the trash can, making it on my first try. This is going to be a long day.

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