Chapter 11 (Claire)

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I wake up to my alarm going off. I open my eyes and as soon as I do, Sam's lips are on mine. We kiss for a few minutes until Dylan comes down and ruins the mood. "What're you making for breakfast Claire?"

"Number one, I'm not your personal cheif, I'm your sister. And two," I debate on sharing, "I don't normally eat breakfast when mom and dad are away. Or when they're here for that matter." Sam shoots me a look and I shut my mouth.

Dylan raises his eyebrows. "Trying to starve yourself Claire?"

Maybe. "Nope. I'm not."

"I thought we'd have to send you back to rehab for a second there."

I shudder. Rehab. It helped, but I had to be away from Sam. Sam is more help than rehab. I'm not going to leave him again.

I curl up against Sam and ignore Dylan. "Ready for school Sammy?"

"Well, I was going to take a shower," he smiles mischievously and I swear, I almost melt.

"Yeah, no," Dylan laughs at me. "You can take a shower Sam. Claire, you have to eat."

"I'm not exactly hungry. Make me coffee and I'll have that."

"Alright you two, I give up. I'm not mom or dad so I guess I can't stop you."

I laugh and look at Sam but he's pulling on his shirt. I sigh and pull my own clothes on and sit up. I expect Sam to get up and leave as soon as Dylan walks away, but he doesn't. Instead, he pulls me onto his lap and locks his arms around my waist. "I don't want to take a shower. I'm worried about you." Then, he takes my wrists and kisses the scars and I watch him.

"Sammy, I won't I promise..."

"No, I'm not leaving you Claire. Either I have no shower and I hang out with you, or you take a shower with me." At my look he laughs. "Kidding Claire. I was kidding."

"Oh," I whisper, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice as my cheeks turn scarlet red.

"Aw don't look sad." He takes my face in his hands and kisses me and I melt into him and lose myself on his lips.

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