Chapter 14 (Claire)

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  I get through most of my classes, but in all of them, I get stares and dirty looks. I'm dating the guy that everyone wants, but he dumps them in about a week, I realize. You're not even pretty, my mind screams, but I shut it out.

  I lean against Sam as we walk to our next class, science. Survive this and then have lunch, I think. Maybe Sam will be able to sit by me.

  We walk into the class and everyone stares. I shudder. I hate being the center of attention.

  The teacher looks at me and smiles. "You don't have to sit down yet Claire, we're changing seats." My heart drops. No, not today, not now. But, maybe I'll still sit by Sam. "Claire, you sit by Chase now."

  I cast a look over at Chase. He's grinning widely. I sigh and go and put my things beside him and slide into my new seat. I see Sam sit down next to Vicki, one of his many, many exes.

  "Hey Claire," Chase says with a smile and I grunt and start drawing in my notebook. Two minutes into my drawing, I feel something brush against my thigh. I jump and see that it's Chase's hand.

  "Chase stop," I growl quietly. He doesn't budge.

  "You probably didn't get far with him last night. I could get farther with you if you come over tonight." He moves his hand farther up my thigh and I clench my teeth.

  "If I say yes, will you leave me alone?"

  "Only if I drive you myself," he says, grinning a wicked smile. Damn, I thought I could outsmart him. Apparently not.

  "I...uh I can't tonight. I'm watching my little sister."

  "You don't have a little sister Clarie," he laughs and squeezes my thigh a little. I smack his hand, but no one notices.

  "Chase, stop!" I say louder this time. I hear a chair screech back and Chase gets his hand off my thigh. I look up to see who stood up. It was Sam, and he's coming over to us. He bends down in front of our desk to look Chase in the eyes.

  "What did you do you filthy rat?" Sam is mad. This won't end well.

  "I was testing her. She has a date with me tonight," he smiles pulling me onto my lap and I'm shocked into silence.

  "She hates you, you ass," Sam growls. "If I leave her with you tonight, will you leave her alone and not bully her?"

  Well, fuck you too Sammy. "Sure," Chase says with a smile. I feel his hands go up my shirt and I squirm. "We'll send pictures," he adds with a wink.

  "Perv," I mutter shoving him away and sitting in my own seat.

  Sam ended up having to stay after class, so Chase walks with me to lunch. I feel like he is doing this against my will. Oh wait, he is.

  I sit at his table and he gives me food. I eat a few chips, but no more. Not hungry. Chase looks at me and then puts his hands on my waist. "God you're so skinny. It's pretty damn hot though." I slap his hands and grab the sandwich I had turned down and eat it.

  Something tells me that this will be a terrible day.

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