Chapter 26 (Blake)

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It was near the end of the day when the note got to me. All I could do was tear it up and throw it in the trash. Because under Claire's name, in bold, pink letters, was something I never wanted Claire to see.


I know that handwriting. I know who has that sparkly pink pen. And God, when I see her, I am going to wring that pretty little neck of hers.

"Blake? Are you alright? You look mad."

I flash a smile and use my crutches to hop over to Claire. I'm sure I look like a doofus. A pissed off doofus. "Nah, I'm good. Just saw something. Ready to go?"

"Sure," she mutters softly, obviously not believing that I'm okay. She helps me to the car and I slip into her passenger seat. She sits next to me in the driver's seat, and I'm foolish to think I won't have to tell Emily, because just then, I see Megan coming over to us, and I groan.

"Claire! Oh my God did you see what Emily wrote about you?"

"What? No. What was it?"

Then, Meg starts taking. And God, she likes to talk.

"Okay, so I was sitting at my lunch table you know? I was eating my turkey sub sandwich when someone laid a piece of paper in front of me. So of course I read it. It was in pink sparkly pen. Emily's handwritting too. It said that you are Blake's slut. I threw it away but then I saw that there was more than one. I wish I could've stopped it. I'm sorry Claire." She takes a huge breath at the end. I'm glad. Her face was turning red because she hadn't taken a single breath while talking.

Claire's head hits the steering wheel, causing the horn to blare. "Dammit. That's what she was writing in class!"

I reach over and squeeze her shoulder softly. "Claire, it's okay. Let's just go home."

Maybe we would have. But we didn't, thanks to Sam.

"Claire, what's up with the note?"

"I'd love to know the answer to that myself," she growls at him. Her forehead is red from hitting it on the steering wheel. That had to have hurt.

"I tore up any that I could find. Claire, are you okay?"

Wrong words Sam. Wrong choice of words.

"No I am not fucking okay Sam! Do I look okay to you? Do I? Emily is out to destroy me and damn it is working!" She shoves the keys into the car and it starts, and she backs out and almost hits Sam in the process.

"Claire, calm down. Please. You're going to crash."

"Dammit Blake, I am not going to fucking crash! Just shut the fuck up and let me drive!"

I knew it would be unwise not to listen, so I shut up. I shut my eyes, which helps the car ride. That is until she slams on the breaks in front of my house. "Do you want me to go home with you Claire?"

"Just get the fuck out! Go!" She's close to tears as she screams and points at my house. My parents still aren't home though.

"Claire, please-"

"Get the fuck out of my car right now Blake!"

I really don't want to. I sit there a little longer before grabbing my crutches and sighing. "Call me when you get home Claire."


I don't fight. I get out and go to my front door, turning around to watch her drive away. And I knew she wouldn't call. So I text her brother and tell him to keep a close eye on her.

I open the door and go inside, collapsing on the couch and flip on the TV. I watch a few of the CSI: Miami episodes before I text Claire.

Me: hey, u home?

The reply comes pretty fast.

Claire: parents r home. Can I come over 2 ur house?

Me: anytime. U should know that.

Ten minutes later, she knocks on the door, and I answer it. "Oh God Claire, what happened?" I reach out and touch her cheek, where there is a dark red hand print.

"I pissed them off," she whimpers and her lip trembles. "I just need to lay down."

I nod and let her come in, showing her where my room is and she lays on the bed, closes her eyes, and I leave.

She doesn't come out all night, so I lay on the couch, which is not comfortable at all, and watch CSI: Miami until I fall asleep.

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