Chapter 6 (Claire)

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  I made it through lunch with Sam at my side. I knew he wouldn't leave me. It's a relief we have all our classes together.

  He dropped me off at the girls locker room and I looked up at him with a quivering lip. I didn't want him to leave. God knows what Emily will try on me.

  He leans down and kisses me lightly on the forehead. His fingers find their way under my chin and he forces me to look up. "It'll be okay. We'll kick their asses in the game, right Claire bear?"

  "Right Sammy," I whisper, my voice tight and my eyes about to overfill with tears. He pulls me into a hug, knowing I'm about to cry, and then walks to the guys locker room.

  I sigh and go into the locker room and start to change. I hear people snickering and put my clothes on as fast as possible, self conscious of my body.

  "Hey, loser," Emily whispers in my ear as she passes and pats my back. I realize that's what everyone is laughing at. Written on the back of my shirt, in neon pink sharpie of all things, in big bold letters, is loser.
  I sigh and sit down. The teacher comes by and takes roll. No one acts like they see the back of my shirt.

  I get up, and I'm lost in the stream of girls going through the doors. We converge with the guys and it doesn't take long for Sam to find me. I cling to his side, with my face buried in his shirt. It smells like home to me. Also, kind of gross considering he doesn't was it much. But, I don't mind.

  Sam and I are on the same team, Emily and Blake are on the other. Our team seems the best though. We have athletic people.

  Kick ball. It just had to be kick ball. Blake is up first. I'm in the middle of the field, with Sam to my right. I have to stay here or I'll get a detention. Yay me.

  I hear Blake's foot hit the ball, and I see it come sailing towards me. My legs are stuck in place, I can't move.

  Before the ball hits me, Sam is blocking the way. He catches the ball, and Blake is out. I'm shaking behind Sam.

  Blake whispers something to Emily as he passes by and she nods. She's smiling. Sam goes back to his original spot, and I'm left in mine, shaking like an earthquake is ripping through me.

  Emily kicks the ball, and of course, it comes sailing towards me. I let out a little yelp as Sam jumps in front of me to stop the ball again, sending me off balance and falling backwards. My head hits the gym floor with a thud.

  Sam helps me up and wraps an arm around my waist. "We're going to the nurse," he yells to the coach, who nods. He has a slight limp on his right side.

  I'm holding my head in my hands and crying quietly. He kisses the top of my head and whispers into my hair, "hey, we can go home early today, okay Claire bear? Just me and you at your house."

  "Okay Sammy," I manage between sniffles as we go to his truck and her helps me in. Then, I curl up and block out the world, getting lost in my mind.

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