Chapter 30 (Claire)

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  It's been four months. Four crazy, amazing, perfect months, since we humiliated Emily. She's farther down the social ladder than anyone right now. Even me.

  "Are you sure you want to do this?" Blake eyes me suspiciously and I nod, getting out of the car. Blake keeps stride beside me, his prosthetic leg working perfectly.

  "Finally! Oh my God you look so pretty Claire! I love it!" Megan squeals as soon as she seems my dress. I have to admit, I loved it too. Lacy sleeves, low back, floor length. But the thing I find most stunning about it is the wonderful blue. The same blue as my eyes.

  "Hey Meg, she's mine." Blake's face breaks into a smile as he hugs me and we go inside the school. I wasn't much for dancing, or dances, or people in general, but I wanted to do this. I mean, it is our last year here in high school.

  "I know that Blake! And Chase is mine!" As if on cue, the dork comes over and lifts her off her feet, giving her a kiss. Maybe Chase being around will get Megan to stop talking so much.

  "May I have this dance?" Blake has a smirk on his face, his light brown hair was molded perfectly, but I knew it wouldn't stay that way the whole night. His green eyes studied me, but I shook my head.

  "Blake, you know I don't dance."

  "C'mon, just follow my lead."


  We danced all night. It was wonderful. Definitely the best night of my life. But we eventually got tired of dancing and found a seat with Sam, Megan, and Chase where we sat around and drank punch, laughing and joking.

  "Ahem. Is this on?" There's a loud screech as someone taps the microphone. "Oops. I think it is. Okay, well, it's time to announce the king and queen!"

  "Twenty bucks says it's Jace and Kacey," Sam murmurs and leans back in his chair, taking a sip of his punch, just as the girl at the microphone is opening the envelope with shaking hands.

  Everyone is silent and the girl at the mic sucks in a shocked breath. "Oh my. Blake and Claire! Come on up!"

  I feel my face grow warm as Sam chokes on his punch. Everyone's eyes are on Blake and I as we make our way to the stage. "You know, you'll always be my queen," Blake murmurs softly in my ear, causing me to smile.




  "Promise," he whispers, kissing my cheek softly.

  I will be his queen, just as long as he stays my king. I wouldn't want to image life any different.

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