Chapter 9 (Claire)

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  I finish my fifth piece of pizza and flick Sam on the nose. "I love you, you big goofball," I say with a huge smile. My head is on his lap and I'm looking up at him. I feel his fingers go through my hair.

  "I love you too, Claire bear," he whispers with a smile. I turn my attention back to the TV but I don't move my head off his lap. Of course, he found the scariest movie her could and turned it on.

  Sam scoots me a little so he can lay on the couch too. I can't stand scary movies, so I turn my back to the TV and scoot as close to Sam as possible, squirming until my legs are between his and my head rests on his chest.

  I feel Sam's hands tracing patterns on my body and I shiver. I want him. Just my Sammy.

  Before I can get my thoughts together, I'm pulling his shirt off him. He pulls me on top of him, so I'm straddling his hips. He pulls my shirt off me in one quick motion.

  I feel his eyes on my pale body and feel my cheeks flush, but I ignore it. I get to have my Sammy. Just me and him. No crazy, drunk, mean parents. No creepy stalkers. Just me and Sammy alone together in my house.

  He helped me get out of my shorts, my mind too foggy to realize how bad of an idea this is. All I know is his lips everywhere on me. I finally bring his wondering lips back to my own and kiss him desperatly, running my fingers through his hair.

  "Are you sure you want to do this Claire? I know you haven't before."

  I was about to tell him I was indeed ready when I hear a knock at the door. My eyes widen and all I can think to do is pull the blanket, that is laying on the back of the couch, over us. I do that just as I hear the door open.

  I hear footsteps and I bury my face in Sam's neck, prepared for the worst. But then, I hear a laugh. "Claire? My baby sister? Damn Claire, when did you and Sam start dating?"

  I smile immediately and glare up at my brother, Dylan, but keep the blanket secure around me. "None of your business you ass," I grin, teasing him.

  "Jesus Christ, what a great welcome home you little bitch."

  All Sam can do is laugh at the display unraveling before his eyes.

  "I'm going to call it a night. Er, evening I guess. I'm beat down tired." He flashes a smile at me and Sam. "Be safe you two!" Then, he looks directly at Sam. "Watch what you do. Hurt her, get her pregnant, or screw her life up in any way, and I will beat your ass. Do you hear me?"

  Sam laughs and nods. I pick up the closest thing to me, which is a plate, and chuck it at Dylan. It hits him in the shoulder, making him grunt, and then it clatters to the ground. "Beat it ass!"
  "Alright, alright, I'm going," he says while he goes to his room, laughing the whole way.

  I look at Sam apologetically, but he is already pulling me to him, his lips crushing mine, and I can't help but lose my common sense, and kiss him back.

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