Chapter 4 (Blake)

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  I threw the airplane with my arm around Emily who was faintly giggling. It hit my target and she was mad. She whispered something to Sam Vincent, who turned and gave me a dirty look, causing me to laugh.

  Sam got out of his chair and his little friend was grabbing his hand, trying to make him sit down. I hear a whimper escape her throat. Sam shakes her off and comes over to me. I smile up at him. "What's up Sam?"

  "You should know you asshole," he growls. "You should pick on people your own size."

  "And I'll get an elf to deal with your little friend."

  At that, Sam clenches his fists. "I will hurt you Dewer. Don't doubt me."

  "I never said you wouldn't hurt me Vincent," I say, grinning up at him.

  All of a sudden, the girl is at his side and tugging on his hand with all her might. She seems like she has the strength of a fifth grader, which makes me laugh more.

  "Sam give it up," she says, and her soprano voice is an octave higher than it was, even this morning when I had threatened her.

  Emily laughs and speaks the Sam and the girl. "Yeah Sam. Go hang out with your little girlfriend," she smirks. "Although, she isn't as good as I am in bed, if you know what I mean."

  "One, she is not my girlfriend. Two, like I care about what you do outside of school. And three, I wouldn't want to even touch you. You sleep with every guy in the school."

  "Pick on someone your own size Vincent," I taunt Sam in a ridiculous voice.

  "I'll show you how to pick on someone your own size," Sam growls through gritted teeth.

  I laugh and the girl presses herself against Sam's side and he starts walking away. Emily rolls her eyes, but she's clearly amused.

  I pull her onto my lap and kiss her cheek. "Still up for tonight?"

  "Of course I am Blake!" I can tell she is excited from all the squirming on my lap.

  "Hey! Stop the squirming," I say, kissing the back of her neck so she'll quit moving so much.

  "Well I'm excited Blake, I can't help it!"

  Just then, the teacher walks in. "Get Emily off your lap Mr. Dewer."

  I reluctantly get Emily off my lap, but keep my hand on her thigh under the table, squeezing it every so often.

  I see the girl whispering to Sam, see him stiffen up. I smirk. I have a plan, and they won't even know what hit them.

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