Chapter 23 (Claire)

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I wake up to my hair pasted to my face with sweat. I shake Blake to wake him up. "Morning sleeping beauty," I say as I laugh.

"Five more minutes," he whines as he swats me away.

I laugh and kiss him on the cheek. His bed head is sexy. But I hear my phone buzzing so I look away from Blake and grab my phone. A message from Megan. She's my only friend other than Sam. I answer it and curl myself against Blake. "Hey Megan."

"Where were you last night?" Megan's voice sounds kind of squeaky over the phone.

Damn it. I forgot about hanging out with her and her boyfriend. "Uh...something came up. I'm so sorry Meg." I run my fingers through Blake's hair, knowing full well that I'm not fully sorry.

"What came up? Claire you can tell me anything!"

"I...uh I got a new boyfriend."

"Sam? Oh my god you guys are so cute together! I hope you guys get married! I mean I was secretly shipping it..."

"Megan! It's not Sam! He dumped me. It''s Blake. Blake Dewer."

"Blake Dewer? The Blake Dewer? Oh my god! What are you thinking? He could break up with you right after sex! He even broke up with someone during sex! Claire, don't let him use you!"

I keep playing with Blake's hair. "I won't Meg. Promise. See you at school." I hang up and shake Blake. "I'm going to take a shower okay?" At that, Blake grunts and opens his eyes.

"Morning," I say with a smile as I get up.

"That it is," Blake mumbles and swings his leg over the side of the bed and tries to get up, only, he isn't used to it so he lerches so I have to run and wrap my arms around him to keep him up.

"If you want to take a shower, I think my brother's bathroom is open."

"Oh, I don't need that bathroom." He smiles and I feel myself blush. Oh god, he wouldn't would he? "We can save water anyway." He would.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Blake?"

"Positive. As long as you're quiet. We don't want your brother to hear, do we?"

"Guess not," I mumble, feeling defeated. "But if you do anything, he'll kill you."

Blake smiles with mischief in his eyes. "Looks like you'll be singing at my funeral then."

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