Chapter 20 (Claire)

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  I wipe my tears and run. I run out of the room, and finally, out of the hospital. I just keep running. I finally get to my house and I see Dylan on the couch through the window. I pound on the door a few times but he finally opens the door and scoops me into his arms as I bury my face in his neck.

  "I heard about Sam," Dylan whispers. "Blake told me."

  I couldn't respond. All I could do was nod as he holds me close and hums and we stand there in the doorway together.

  After a while, I pull away and run to my room. I lock the door behind me and I hear Dylan running up the stairs and pounding on the door. "Claire! Claire please! God don't do it!" I hear him bawling. I had a small razor in my hand but I hear a buzzing from my back pocket and I jump, dropping the razor. I fumble to get the phone out of my pocket and I check it.

  Blake. Blake texted me. I sigh an look at the text. Check outside Claire, is all it says. I go to my window and toss the curtain aside. I lean against the window with my forehead to the cool glass as I look out. And then I see him. Blake. I open the window and lean out a little. "What the hell are you doing here," I hiss at him angerly.

  "Doc said I could leave. Full recovery." He smiled as he patted his leg. "I have to wait a while for a prosthetic leg though."

  "But why are you here Blake?"

  "I wanted to talk to you and you're brother wanted me to stay the night."

  I clench my teeth and pick up the razor and put it up. I open the door and shove past Dylan. With a small smile, I run out onto the front lawn without shoes and hug Blake. He laughs and wraps his arms around me.

  "Care to show me your room?"

  "I never thought I would be showing you my room. Come on," I said grabbing his hand and taking him to my room and flop on the bed with him next to me and I can't help but smile.

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