Chapter 17 (Blake)

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  I shudder as Sam walks in with Dylan, Claire's older brother. Dylan is dragging Chase, who has a black eye, by the collar. Yep, I'm going to be dead in three seconds.

  All of a sudden, Sam has the front of my shirt and he yanks me so I am sitting up. "You will pay for what your friend did to my Claire," he says as he raises his fist.

  But, before he can do anything, a perfectly manicured hand grabs his and twists it. He grunts and whirls on Emily who is smiling that sexy supermodel smile. "Excuse me, but you cannot do that."

  "And why not?" Sam groans and trues to smack her.

  "Because he didn't do anything," she growls defensively. But, before she can say anything else, Dylan has his hands on her and he's yanking her away. "Hey," she squeals. "Get your hands off me!" She's struggling with him now.

  I swing my legs-I mean leg-over the bed but before I get out of bed, Emily is melting into Dylan and smiling. It was all a show, I realize. Wow. That stings. 

  "Blake, I was planning on breaking up with you..."

  "Save it," I growl and grab the crutches by my bed. Then, I look at Sam. "Take me to Claire."

  "That might not..."

  "Do it now Sam."

  "Why do you want to see her so bad," Sam grumbles.

  "I need to straighten things out," I say and I use my crutches to help me get away.

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