Chapter 21 (Claire)

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  I lay with my head on Blake's chest as we listen to music and he plays with my fingers. "You're so cute Claire," he whispers in my ear, causing me to blush.

  "Not really. I'm not anything like..."

  "I don't care who you aren't like. I care that you're sweet and kind and awesome."

  "I'm neither of those Blake and you know it."

  Blake smiles and pulls me closer, but not quite on top of him. His lips are on my neck and he whispers with a smile, "of course you are. You're perfect."

  I laugh and squirm in his grip. "Blake, I'm none of those," I whine but he won't let go.

  "Yes you are," he says into my neck. By now, his lips aren't just brushing my neck, they're kissing my neck.

  "Blake," I say trying to push him away gently. "Blake I don't know if we should do this."

  At that, he looks at me. "Oh god. You haven't done this before have you?"

  I bite my lip and look everywhere but at Blake. "Not exactly," I admit quietly.

  "So you're a virgin?"

  I nod, and I am sure my face is tomato red. "Well, yeah, I mean not very many people want a girl that would like to die. They look right over me like I am..."

  "Hush," Blake says with a smile. His finger is on my lips. I force myself to look into those amused eye of his. "I like you. That's all that matters. Right?" I nod. "But the real question is, do you want to?" He takes his finger from my lips and I nod a little.

  "B-but what if Dylan comes in?"

  "Your brother is...he's busy. Let's just say he had something going with Emily."

  My jaw drops. My brother. Emily, Blake's girlfriend. Well, ex girlfriend now I suppose. Is that what my brother had been doing when I thought he was on vacation? Oh god. "Blake, I'm sorry. My brother can be a total jerk..."

  "He proposed to her. I think they wanted to rub it in."

  I could throttle my brother right now. I cannot believe Dylan would do that. "I cannot believe him!"

  "Emily will get what she deserves in time," Blake says with a smile and a laugh as he sits up and pulls me onto his lap.

  "Yeah, I'm sure she will. But my parents will kill Dylan!"

  Blake just laughs and brushes my hair out of my face so he can look into me eyes. "Forget them," he whispers. "Just focus on me and you. This night will be awesome, I promise." He kisses my forehead and turns up the music. Then, without warning, he kisses me on the lips like no one has ever done before, and I can't help but go along with as much force as I can.

  After a while, he lays on top of me on the bed. He lets me get a breather and all I can do is look into his eyes and gasp for air. He laughs and gently rolls over so I am on top of him, straddling his hips.

  I don't know how it happened honestly. All of a sudden, I was pulling off my shirt as Blake took off his. Then, before I could do anything else, Blake pulled me down and pinned me against him and kissed me with his hands in my back pockets.

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