Chapter 12 (Claire)

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  We finally managed to get to school. I look out the window as I lean against Sam and he squishes me into him. I'm comfortable here though.

  Something changes as we get out of the truck. It feels different. I look up at Sam and he notices it too. And then a kid walks by with a newspaper, which I pluck from his hands. Oh my god. The front page story. In bold it says: BLAKE DEWER. CAR CRASH LATE LAST NIGHT IS NOW AN AMPUTATEE.
  My stomach plummets, but I don't know why. He hates me. I hate him! Why does it matter to me if he's in a hospital? Because you know how it feels, my mind starts nagging. You hated it and I bet he does. At least his wasn't on purpose!
  I sigh and toss the news paper on the ground. I'm debating on stomping on it, but before I can, Sam is pulling my along by my arm as everything passes by in a blurr.

  Sam pulls me to my locker and turns so I'm up against my locker facing him. He puts his hands on my waist and leans down a little so he can look me in the eyes. "Claire," he whispers. "Aw Claire please don't cry. I don't know why you're crying anyway. He was a jerk to you."

  I was crying? Since when? I wipe my eyes hurriedly and turn and get into my locker. I grab everything I need for first hour and run to the classroom with Sam at my heels. As soon as I'm in my seat though, all hell breaks loose.

  "There she is!"

  "He's here too!"

  "I'm surprised they would show their faces here!"


  Everyone is looking at me. I have no idea what they're talking about. Sam sits next to me and pulls me close. I feel more tears spilling over.

  Then, I look up at the screen. To my horror, I see Sam and I on the screen. The picture from last night. Whoever took this put it on social media.

  At that moment, the teacher walks in. He sees what's on the screen and looks at me crying. I jump out of my seat and run, I don't know where I'm going but Sam is at my heels.

  I run to the girls bathroom and Sam just follows me right in. It's empty except for us. Thank god.

  I lean over the sink, gripping it with both hands as sobs rip through me. This cannot be happening!

  "Claire, take a deep breath. You look like you're going to pass out." Sam had been talking but I hadn't noticed. I nod and take a deep breath, but the crying doesn't stop.

  Sam walks out of the bathroom to get something I didn't hear and I sit on the floor, not caring how dirty it could be. You're the slut of the school now, my mind reminds me.

  Sam is back in a few minutes and he hands me a water bottle. I take a sip, and realize it's full of coffee. I drink the rest of it and Sam helps me up and we go back to the classroom. I feel all eyes on us through the class.

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