Chapter 16 (Claire)

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I wake up what I think is an hour later in a hospital bed. My head is throbbing. I see Dylan in the chair across the room from my bed. He's watching me. Sam is beside me, my hand in his, his head on my stomach. He's asleep. It must've been more than an hour.

  Then, I see Chase. I scream and Sam jolts awake. "Get Chase out! Get him out!"
  "Hey, hey," Sam says, taking my face in his hands. "Deep breaths. Calm down Claire. You'll be okay, I won't let him hurt you. I promise. I would kill him if he tried to hurt you."

  "He already did," I shriek. "He hurt me and you could've stopped it!"
  "Just take a deep breath Claire..."

  "No! No no no! You could've stopped him! You don't care! I'm breaking up with you!"
  "Are you sure you want to break up? And I always care about you." He slides into the hospital bed next to me and I curl against him, trying to get every inch of his body to touch mine.

  "Okay," I whisper. "I won't break up with you. You mean too much to me. I-I can't lose you."

  "Too mushy-gushy," I heard Chase growl. I felt like smacking him, but I'm worried he'll hurt me again. Or Sammy. I cannot let that happen. So, I slip away from Sam and get out of bed. I limp over to the chair Chase is sitting in and pick up the small lamp beside him.

  "Asshole," I mumble through gritted teeth.

  "No don't!" Chase must be scared if he is almost willing to beg. But then, the lamp is plucked from my hands and Sam is pushing me on the bed as Dylan drags Chase out.

  "You need to stop," Sam whispers. "I'll get answers about this. But, I'll have to visit Blake first."

  "Okay. Go," I whisper as he leaves, shutting and locking the door behind him.

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