Chapter 10 (Blake)

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  I drop Emily back home after about an hour at my house and five minutes kissing goodbye in the car. I still taste her cherry lip gloss on my lips and her skin under my hands.

  I hear my phone ring as she calls me. I answer and keep driving. "Hey babe."

  "I posted the pictures. I printed them up so they're ready for tomorrow!"

  "Perfect! You're the best Em! Remind me to steal you longer next time!"

  "Gladly. Next time Blake, I'll just stay with you." She sounds like she's having a rough time at home already.

  "You can Em. I told you that babe."

  "I know, I know," she sighs but then cheers up. "At least we have all winter break coming up!"

  I was about to agree when I hear a sqeak of tires and pain flashes through me. And then, black nothingness.


  I wake up in a hospital bed. Emily is hovering over me. "Blake," she gasps in relief when I open my eyes.

  "What the hell happened?" My words sounded slurred, but maybe they weren't. Oh well.

  "You were in a car accident Blake. The doctor said they had to amputate your leg."

  Amputate. Fabulous. I manage to pull myself up a little to see how bad it was. Most of my left leg was completely gone. "What time is it Em?"

  "It's about midnight. You're lucky the doc was able to do this all in one night. Are you feeling okay?"

  No. Most of my leg is chopped off! "Yeah, I'm good," I reply with a fake smile.

  Emily leans down and kisses me. "I'm staying with you tonight. The doctor says if you're good, you can go home in two days. I'm skipping school and staying with you the whole time. He says normally people don't recover like this but, apparently you're lucky!"

  Lucky. If that's what you want to call it.

  I hug Emily real fast and kiss her, before she goes and sits in the chair and flips the lights off. She starts snoring that cute, quiet snore I love. And I'm asleep not long after.

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