Chapter 22 (Blake)

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I wake up with Claire as close to me as she could possibly be. Her hair is a mess, adorable but crazy. Her legs are thrown over my leg. The blanket is wrapped around her tight. I lean over and kiss her on the forehead. She whimpers and stirs, and her eyes meet mine as soon as they open and she brings her lips to mine. "Sorry I fell asleep," she whispers against my lips with a small smile.

"It's okay," I whisper with a small laugh. "You're perfect and adorable."

Claire's face turns the color of a tomato as she shoves me lightly. All I see is her pale skin and bright pink bra, which makes me laugh harder. She gets frustrated and turns so her back is to me. She's whimpering and shaking, so I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in the back of her neck and kiss it softly. "I like it missy. It's kinda hot honestly."

"Quit it," she growls and shoves my arms off as she reaches over and grabs her clock radio to check the time. "Blake, it's two in the morning." She looks at me and her blue eyes cut right through me.

"I'm not tired. Are you Claire?"

"Not really," she replys sheepishly and puts her clock radio back and I pull her onto my lap again.

"I talked to Emily after you left. She broke up with me because of my leg."

"That's something bitches do," Claire whispers back. "And honestly, Emily is kind of a whore. She isn't someone you should have been with in the first place."

"She is," I agree, playing with Claire's fingers while I kiss her forehead. I realize now that Emily never really mattered to me that much. I never really thought of Claire much, but she is the best girl ever.

"You won't turn me down like Sam did, will you Blake," she asks, looking up into my eyes.

"Of course I won't. And I'll beat Chase's ass. He deserves it. I'll sleep over as much as you want."

"How about every night?" She looks embarrassed to even suggest it.

"Well, you can come to my house sometimes."
Her face brightens and her lips meet mine with force as she smiles.

"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you," she squeals. "Blake you're the best!"

I laugh and lock my arms around her waist as I kiss her on the lips, a long, lingering kiss. Her eyelashes brush my face. "If I'm the best, that makes you perfect."

"I won't argue with you for now," Claire smiles and kisses me. "Because that would just ruin the mood."

I laugh and slide my hands up her back until they reach her bra clasp. She shivers under my touch so I take my hands away and press the small of her back to get her closer to me and I smile. "I love you Claire. I know I was a real douche, but I really do love you."

She smiles and kisses me before responding. "I love you too Blake. I really, truly do."

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