Chapter 29 (Claire)

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"You're here! I knew you'd come, especially if I said I was going to go on a date with Chase alone. But hey, it worked. I'm just really glad you did come or this wouldn't have worked out."

"What do you mean? Megan...what are you planning in you're little devil mind?" As soon as I saw Sam, I knew something was up. "What...what's happening?"

"Emily had been a total bitch to you. We know how to get back at her." Sam has a cocky smirk and I can't help but groan softly.

Sam knows Emily personally. They dated sophomore year. She cheated on Sam, but that isn't what tipped him over the edge. It was the way she treated me that made him decide to dump her. "Sam-"

"No. Don't argue. We are going to get our revenge on perfect little Emily."

"Why is her little messenger here then? I mean, he's probably going to run back and tell her everything like the squealing pig he is." I cast a glare towards Chase who rolls his eyes.

"Oh hush. Both of you. Well Claire, I actually am back with Chase and he decided he doesn't want to have anything to do with Emily because of all her empty promises and now he wants revenge and I know you and Blake would love that so that's why I called you and asked you to come so thanks for coming." Megan takes a breath at the end, but it sounds more like a theatrical gasp after her long, run-on sentence.

"Well, I know things about Emily that no one else knows." Blake has a mischievous glint in his eyes. Megan claps, clearly happy. "Why don't we discuss this?"


I see Chase and Megan waiting for me at school on Monday. I hop out of my truck and run over to them, Blake hobbling after me. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Yes. Claire, she was a bitch to you. You need revenge. It's sweet. Sweet sweet sweet! Not to mention she's trying to take your brother. She's probably going to be on Teen Mom soon."

I can't help but laugh. That's when I see Emily get out of my brother's car and Chase stands up on the bench and helps me up before speaking loudly to me. "Hey, have you heard about Emily?"

"Oh, you mean how she's fucking my brother and torturing me? I mean, I don't know what I did to her to deserve shit like this. It's not my fault Blake loves me."

I see Emily freeze and I grin. I can't help it. But Chase continues, even as a crowd gathers. "Well, does your brother know that she still sucks her thumb? It's quite embarrassing if you ask me. And then there was that picture of her before she moved here...braces and glasses." He pulls it out and hands it to me, and I erupt into laughter, even as people take it and Emily pushes through the crowd.

"What do you think you're doing" she shrieks as her face turns an angry red and I step down off the bench, getting nose-to-nose with her.

"It's called payback bitch, and it's sweet. Sweeter than anything you can imagine."

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