046 | bada-bing, bada-boom- progress!

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hurting lover,
find the truth in his words


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16:02 in the afternoon

SORA WASN'T SURPRISED when Karasuno won against Johzenji— against his friends, nor was he surprised when they won against the team in pink and gained a casualty. May that fine ass of a captain with dem monstrous thighs rest in peace. Carrying on, Sora was, however, concerned over their next match: Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai.

Kageyama vs their other soulmates.

Sorry, the others.

Not his soulmates.

Because he totally wasn't in love.

Sora stood against the metallic bannisters and watched the match unfold. Whilst he may be able to play well, Sora hadn't the faintest idea of the technical terms of volleyball. Mind you, he did try to learn the rules a few years back. Sora simply had the memory of a goldfish at times. He could remember his soulmates' favourite food and favourite moments, but he could not, for the life of him, remember the complex rules of a game he didn't play as a sport. Swimming was his passion; volleyball was Kageyama's passion.

Nevertheless, one thing Sora did know was that the new addition to Seijoh's players was disastrous. He listened as the adults beside him explained things to the best of their abilities, humming to inform them that he was listening. Tanaka's older sister, Saeko, had also joined them for the day, cheering on her sibling and his friends. Queen shit. Showing up when multiple parents wouldn't.

Here's a question for all you girls and gays!

Where do you think everyone's parents are? Were they disappointed with their kids? Or were they simply busy?

I'd gladly be their milf.

Oop. Fanfic idea? 👀

Anywho! Sora drummed his fingers across his jaw, his elbow balancing itself on the railing and his palm cupping his chin ever so gently. He watched as his soulmate battled it out with the others, an unknown feeling flourishing in his chest. Sora frowned, his lips curving downwards. He pressed his hand against his chest, rubbing the ache away.

He hated this place.

Hated how being in their surroundings made him feel so weak. Useless. Unneeded.

He hated it.

Yet...he took a strange delight in indulging the feeling to foster within his darkest depths.

━━━━ ♔ • ♛ • ♔ ━━━━

Pride, exceptional pride swelled within Sora's divine body. Hinata scored the last point, finalising Karasuno's victory. The crows reigned triumphant over the plants rooted to their spots on the ground. Tears toppled out of their eyes, shoulders shaking. One team was ecstatic. One team was dejected.

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