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"Who was that?" Jack asks, turning his head to look at her.

"Maura. Why?"

"Just wondering."

Jack leans his head against the girl, she massages his scalp, him closing his eyes from the relaxation.

"God, Hailey, you're going to send me to sleep." Jack chuckles lightly.

He leans his head up to kiss her jawline, that being the only place he can reach in this place.

Hailey stops her hand movements, Jack whining, looking up to her once again to notice she's typing on her phone.

"Dec and Mase. They want to see me tomorrow, you want to come?"

"You haven't seen just them in ages, go see them."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course i am, i cant tell you what to do and who to see. Declan's your brother and whatever happened with Mason has been forgiven."

"Alright. Then it's match day."

Jack pauses, not replying for a minute as he lets it process through his mind.

"You alright?" Hailey asks.

"Yeah, fine. It's just, we've come so far i'm so worried for the game, what if we lose."

"You've got to the finals, Jack. Everyone is proud of the team, no matter if you win or lose."

"Hailey, i appreciate it, but you know we are just going to get shit on if we lose. England has never won the Euros and we are so close."

"I know, Jack. But England has never got into the final either. If you happen to not win, which we aren't going to think about, you need to take the good from the situation which is the fact that you got to the finals."

"I cant believe how fast they are over too, i'm really going to miss this team."

"You'll see them, they're your friends and you'll be back together for the world cup."

"That's true." He smiles, lifting himself up and going to the kitchen.

He takes a drink from the fridge, bringing Hailey one back too.

"Why don't we start a series together?" Hailey asks, taking the drink with a smile.

"Which one?"

"Peaky Blinders." Jack looks at her, raising an eyebrow. "It's not because of your accent, calm down. I just want to watch it, i've only seen the first few episodes."

"Okay, fine. Put it on then."

Jack rests his head back again, putting an arm around Hailey so she will fall close to him.

The opening scene starts, Jack takes Hailey's hand to lightly trace circles on her palm.

Weirdly, he finds it comforting for himself and he knows it tickles Hailey.

Her hand twitches, but she doesn't look up to him, trying to ignore the feeling, knowing if she pays more attention she will be squirming around uncontrollably.

Jack stops, resting his head on hers, fully engulfing her in his arms.

It's a feeling Hailey has always enjoyed, being in someone's embrace, of course, it depends on the person, but Jack is definitely her favourite.

They end up on the third episode before turning it off.

Hailey sits up, rubbing her eyes from the amount of time she's spent looking at the tv.

She notices Jack's fallen asleep, she looks at him for a minute or two before getting off the couch as carefully as she can to not wake Jack.

She goes to the kitchen to get herself a drink and when she returns Jack's eyes are slowly fluttering open.

"I don't want to train tomorrow." He whines, rubbing his face as to get some sort of energy from it. "I'm too tired."

"You're nearly done with it, then you'll be back with Villa."

"Nah, holiday first." A grin creeps across his face, remembering the organisation.

"Oh, yeah. Are you ready to be my personal photographer?" Hailey asks, with a giggle. "I'm having to postpone some shoots so i'm going to have to model some swimsuits or something while i'm there. I'll tell you now, Kate was not happy."

Kate is Hailey's manager and while she'd do anything to help her succeed, god Hailey can be a handful.

They made an agreement if Hailey won't be able to do all of the shoots then she should take some of their clothes with her which she agreed.

Hailey has a tight schedule most of the time, especially after the euros she will be very busy. She made sure she wasn't busy on any of the games so she could watch Declan, so thankfully, Kate managed to figure something out.

"Aw, i like Kate." Jack smiles.

"Yeah, she's nice. Pretty frustrated at me right now though."

"She let me watch you get your picture taken." Jack grins.

He's right, when Hailey would have some shoots Kate would often try sort something out so Jack could watch, he'd often offer to bring her coffee if she could.

Jack would just sit on the floor, watching Hailey switch from outfit to outfit for many hours.

Hailey is still not sure why Jack would want to sit on the hard floor for that long, but he did.

"Why did you used to come to the shoots."

"You looked pretty." He shrugs.

"So you sat on the floor for hours, because i looked pretty?"

Jack nods, smiling at her.

"I'd always come to your shoots, if you let me."

Hailey laughs, very much flattered, heat rushing to her cheeks.

"God, you're dumb."

"You're dumber." Jack retaliates with a wink.

a/n: i hope this is alright i couldn't finish it how i wanted to cause i'm out but i wanted to update!

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