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Everyone arrives after a while and orders their first drinks while looking through the menu, seeing what to go for.

The waiters take everyone's orders before leaving them to make conversations with each other.

"You've got lipstick on you, mate. Did Hailey do your makeup?" Declan laughs, pointing at the smudged lipstick on him.

Jack turns to Hailey beside him, with some sort of pout on him.

"You said it was off."

"I couldn't see it, come here."

Jack leans forward, Hailey takes a napkin and wipes the side of his mouth, getting rid of any left over cosmetic on his face.

"Gone?" He asks once seeing Hailey back away from him.


"Thank you." Jack leans forward to kiss her cheek, wanting to avoid transferring any more.

Hailey gets up with Maura to go to the toilet, since she felt too awkward to go alone. On the way back, Jack's eyes follow her movements, watching her walk back to the table.

She looks back at him, the eye contact burning between the pair, his eyes only leaving to glance at the rest of her body.

As she sits down, she leans over into his ear, not so discreetly, but nobody can hear.

"Stop eye fucking me."

"I'm not."

"By the intense eye contact, i say different."

"Am i not allowed to look at my girlfriend?" He questions rhetorically, with a smirk playing on his lips.

Hailey smiles, truthfully she doesn't have an answer and it was clearly a rhetorical question so it just kind of leaves her without a reply.

Jack turns away, beginning another conversation while Hailey starts one with Maura and Jesse.

Hailey and Jesse have always been good friends, since she obviously met him through Declan and Mason, they got on really well, forming a friendship.

Really, Hailey gets along with pretty much all of the team, however some she hasn't properly met so she can't fully judge them but she knows they all are nice.

After a couple of hours, Hailey and Jack leave, he had a few drinks but she offered to drive home so it wasn't an issue.

They get home, pretty much going straight to bed since they're both tired and sleeping into the morning.

In the morning, they decide to go out to the driving range. If you don't know what it is, it's basically just a place where you hit the golf ball and practice your swing or aim, usually. But some people just go for fun.

Firstly, they stop off at Declan's because he likes the driving range, he likes golf in general.

Hailey bangs on his door but when she gets no answer she remembers Declan's spare house key attached to her key ring.

They gave each other a spare key so if they wanted to get in, they could.

"Declan?" She calls through the house, but he's still soundly sleeping in his bed. "Dec."

"Hm?" He moves around, laying on his stomach now.

"Do you want to come to the driving range?"


"Me and Jack."

"Yeah, okay, i'll be down in a minute."

Hailey leaves him, he comes down ten minutes or so later, looking like a dad.

"What's with the dad outfit?" Hailey chuckles.

"You're so funny." He replies dryly. "It's not a dad outfit, you wear it for playing golf."

"Whatever you say." Jack laughs slightly, earning a glare from him. "Let's go then."

They get into the car, Hailey driving. It doesn't take too long to get to the driving range only about half an hour.

Declan booked them their spots to make sure that it wouldn't be too busy and if it was then they wouldn't be turned away.

When they arrive, they go in to get their golf clubs and balls, setting themselves up.

They all hit the golf balls as far as they can, Declan does really well, Hailey does quite good and Jack is okay.

His only problem is he keeps missing the ball and he doesn't always hit it with enough power, but he does eventually get much better as time passes.

After they run out of balls, they return the equipment, going back to the car.

"Right, where to now?" Hailey asks them, turning in her seat. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, a bit." Declan replies, Jack nodding along in agreement.

"So where do you want to go?"

"Go to that cafe you like with all of the breakfast foods. It had stuff like avocado on toast and those smoothie bowls." He describes.

Hailey realises where he's talking about after a minute, driving them to the place.

She greets the staff, looking through the menu behind the till.

After deciding she doesn't really feel up to many of the options she plays it safe with eggs on toast.

The other two order and Hailey pays for them, guiding them to a table while they wait.

Their drinks come out first, all of them ordering a coffee since it was quite early when they woke up.

The food doesn't take too long, which is good, they all eat it and order one more drink before leaving.

"Do you need to go anywhere?"

"I don't think so, why don't we just watch movies at your house?" Declan suggests, realising they haven't done that in a while.

"I like that idea." Jack adds in.

"Alright, let's go."

They stop off to grab some snacks before flicking through movies and selecting a marvel one, because everyone likes marvel.

The rest of their day is spent laying on the sofa, watching movie after movie.

Today, they feel like they've had the perfect day. There's nothing that can go wrong.

a/n: i think this is the final 'normal' part of this story :(

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