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There's a fun fair near Jack and Hailey's house and since they haven't really done many fun activities with each other in a while, they decide to go.

It's crowded with families, bringing their children, teenagers and couples, like them.

"Jack, are you going to go on that with me?" Hailey asks him, pointing to one of the first rides she sees called 'the claw'.

"Uh, no thank you." He gives her a half smile.

"Please?" She takes his hand, stopping him.

"No." He looks at her, quickly turning away since he knows eye contact will draw him right in to agreeing. "And i'm not looking at you either, why don't we do hook a duck instead?"

"Just this ride, please. It's my favourite, i'll do whatever you want after."

"Whatever i want?" He smirks.

"Come on the ride, please?"

"Fine." Jack finally gives in, all of it being worth it when he sees the smile on Hailey's face.

He lets her drag him to the ride, they payed before they got in so they just wait in the line.

It dies down quickly, the two of them taking a seat beside each other. The ride worker fastens their harnesses, keeping them in, standing back giving a wink to Hailey.

Jack glares at him, but turning his focus away quickly, his nerves rising rapidly.

"You okay?" Hailey asks him, noticing his pale, washed out cheeks.

"Are you sure this is safe?"

"Yes, why?"

"It could fly off." He shrugs.

The ride starts moving, slowly swinging forwards and backwards, Jack grips onto Hailey's hand, the only thing bringing him a form of comfort right now.

As the ride escalates, his grasp on her hand tightens.

Finally, the ride reaches its max, now only swinging to and fro. Jack relaxes slightly, realising this is as bad as it will get.

He glances at Hailey to look at the joy and excitement on her face, wind blowing towards the both of them, like they're having a movie moment.

As he looks around, he notices all the lights around them, it truly feeling like a made up moment, the ones you see online or in books but never experience.

The ride makes its way back down, still swinging its way but it beginning to stop slowly, reaching the bottom with as much grace as possible.

They're released from their seats, a slight sway in their step as they get used to the solid ground again.

"What did you think?" Hailey asks him, a sparkle in her eye.

"It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be." Jack admits, only fuelling her happiness.

"Okay, what do you want to do now?"

Jack takes her hand, guiding her over to the dart throwing.

If you pop three balloons, you win a small prize, four, medium and five, large.

Jack gets his eight darts, beginning to throw them at the line of balloons.

He misses the first one, but he hits the second which brings some sort of streak, not missing a single one after that, meaning he gets the choice of a large stuffed animal.

"Which one do you want?" He asks Hailey, pointing at her options.

"You won, you choose."

Jack nods, choosing a large stuffed monkey knowing its Hailey's favourite animal.

The stall operator takes down the monkey, handing it to Jack with a smile and a nod.

"For you." He passes her the soft toy, it being over half the size of her.

"Thanks." She smiles, leaning up to peck his lips, dragging the monkey along with them. "What should we call it?"


"As in Steve Rogers?"


He watches as she struggles to lug the monkey behind her, trailing it along the floor.

"Pass me it, you're gonna make him dirty." Jack lifts the toy from her grip, balancing it on his shoulders as if it was his child.

Jack and Hailey go on the waltzers next, planting their new addition next to them.

As they sit in the cart, Hailey leans into Jack, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. They spin around for multiple minutes, almost knocking them both sick.

They go around all of the attractions, taking turns to choose what they should do next. Making a deal to not leave until they've done everything that you can do.

After their hours of entertainment, the pair have worked up quite the appetite, climbing in Jack's car to drive to somewhere to eat.

Hailey leaves the decision to Jack, he decides on Five Guys, since you can never go wrong with a burger.

Jack brings the food over to the table where Hailey is waiting, taking a seat across from her.

Once they finish their meals, they head back to the car, but they don't go home.

They go where Hailey went with Declan and Jack that night, parking by the cliff edge and laying on top of his car, stargazing.

Stargazing is by far one of their favourite things, you may think it's nerdy, but they enjoy to look at how the stars can line up to make some form of picture or to see how the brightness varies with each small spark of light.

You can do the same with clouds, laying out and observe the different shaped clouds, naming and comparing what you think they look like, each time it being something unique.

The wind passes by their skin, small goosebumps rising even through their jackets.

"Look, a shooting star." Hailey points out, looking at Jack who's already beat her to it, gazing at her.

"Guess we have to kiss then." He shrugs, moving close to her.

"You're meant to make a wish." She corrects him with a small chuckle.

"I know, but i don't care." He holds both of her cheeks, bringing them together, their lips slipping together perfectly, like puzzle pieces.

The kiss carries on, deepening slightly before they both pull away, smiling at each other under the dim starlight.

"Gets better every time." Jack grins, lowering himself to return to lay on his back. "Hey, look at that one, it almost looks like a heart."

Hailey lays her head beside him, to get a more accurate view from his perspective, nodding along once she notices the line up of stars.

Nights like these are ones you should cherish, when you forget you even own a phone and you just stay in each other's company, since that's all you really need.

Sometimes, Jack and Hailey wonder what could've ever separated them to start with, their bond feeling unbreakable and unmatched with anyone else.

But maybe, it happened for a reason. Surely, if someone is your real soulmate and you're meant for each other, you'll always find your way back.

Which could just be the case with Jack and Hailey, a sort of test designed by the Gods, just to prove their loyalty and love for each other.

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