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"You're so soft." Hailey laughs as Jack pulled her in for a hug once again, holding her close to him.


"Yeah, like, you're just so soft, cute, i guess. But then when you're around all your friends you seem all big." She replies, not knowing how to actually explain.

"Oh, yeah. Well, you're not my friend." Jack winks. "Do you want me to behave like this around everyone else?"

"No. It's just funny how much you change."

"I'm not going to cuddle my friends, Hailey." He says in a sort of 'duh' tone.

Hailey hums back, nestling her head further in his neck.

Jack plays with Hailey's hair, allowing it to twirl around his fingers, sending Hailey to sleep.

"Hailes?" Jack eventually asks after a while of neither of them talking. He looks at her, noticing her closed eyes.

He takes Hailey in his arms, carrying her bridal style. Once they go up the stairs her eyes open, seeing Jack taking her up.

Coincidentally, Jack also looks at her, their eyes meeting.

"You want to sleep in my bed?" Jack asks, stopping at the top of the stairs. Hailey nods for a reply. "Alright, stay awake for a few minutes so you can change."

Jack takes Hailey through to his room, handing her one of his shirts.

She changes, not making the effort to leave the room beforehand, getting into bed straight after.

He joins beside her, them now laying together, Hailey's back against Jack's chest as his arm is wrapped around her, securing her place beside him.

Jack's alarm wakes the pair of them up, sun trying to shine through the blinds which are shut.

He groans, looking to face Hailey properly.

"Good morning." He says, voice deep and croaky from his sleep.

"Morning." She yawns, stretching. "I do not have effort for a shoot today."

"Neither, but for football."

But, they still get themselves out of bed. Changing into something else more appropriate, making themselves a coffee before leaving the house.

Jack drops Hailey off where she needs to be, leaving a kiss on her cheek which she smiles at, thanking him for letting her stay and for her lift.

When she walks in, she's immediately greeted by her boss, who's running around frantically.

"Thank god your here, come on." She drags the girl through tens of people, planting her in a seat straight away. "We're so rushed, Hailey."

Kate leaves the girl, waiting for some sort of stylist to sort her out, considering everything will have to be done specifically for different outfits.

Usually, it's nothing too outside the box but she's not trusted to do it herself.

Her normal makeup stylist comes rushing over with her box of equipment, planting it in front of Hailey and tying her hair up.

"I've never felt so rushed." She laughs.

They can always have conversations, which is something she loves. The amount of time she's spent with Chloe, happened to gain them quite a bond.

"So, is something happening with Jack again?" She asks, beginning on her base makeup.

"Not back together yet, but i'm sure it'll happen soon. It was so weird, we hated each other and then it was just how it used to be."

"God. It didn't end the best, did it?"

"Nope. I hated him."

"I think everyone knew you were going to get back together."

"Everyone said that." Hailey sighs, hearing the sentence one too many times.

"Because it's true, the chemistry that you two had could not be burnt out, no matter how hard you tried and you even told me that yourself."


"Do you think he's going to ask you?" She asks, clearly referring to asking if she will be his girlfriend.

"Probably. He said before he likes to do it, but i'm not sure. I guess we will see. I'm too scared to ask him."

Chloe laughs. "He's whipped by you, of course he would say yes. You're right, though. I'm sure he will ask you, especially by the way he's been acting as if you already are in a relationship."

Hailey shrugs as they both carry on their conversation, Hailey filling her in on all of the details.

Chloe feels like one of Hailey's best friends, which she is. They're pretty much the same age and get along quite well.

The boys have got their breakfast, taking a break from their first small workout, which was pretty much only to wake them up.

Jack sits on a table with Declan, Mason, Ben, Phil and John.

"So, Jack." Declan says, catching his attention, making him look away from his plate. "You've stole my sister, again."

Jack laughs, wiping his mouth. "I haven't stolen her."

"How's it going though?" Declan asks him.

"Yeah, alright, it's nice."

"Is that all you've got to say?" Ben interrupts, almost laughing at Jack's minimum amount of words.

"You know i'm not good at putting things into words." Jack let's out an awkward chuckle, all eyes on the table now on him. "No, it's going really well actually, it's like nothing has ever changed, we're really close still."

"That's good. You're going to ask her soon?" John questions.

"Yeah, i think so."

The boys smile, even Mason.

Sure, he is perhaps jealous of Jack. But he has Hailey as a best friend, which is all he needs.

Declan is happy for them, but he's worried. Worried something won't work out and leave them heartbroken again. He can't see Hailey in her previous state again, it broke him.

After breakfast, Declan brings Jack back a little, walking beside him.

"Jack, be careful with her, alright?"

"Of course i will. Last time was a mistake, i cant see anything without her."

"I know, but the state she was in last time, never mind only Hailey, you as well. Barley showed up for training and when you did you didn't play the best. Im just having to be a brother now and put Hailey first."

"I understand that, i can promise that i'd never hurt her intentionally."

"Alright, Jack. You get my blessing. I want to know the plan though."

Jack smiles up at him, admiring him as a friend and everything he'd do to protect the ones he loves most, especially Hailey.

In all honesty, Jack was shocked he didn't have Dec knocking on his door to insult him but he wasn't ungrateful that he got away with that.

Everyone loves Declan, it'd be impossible to hate him, but he can seriously have a bad side, when he's really frustrated mostly.

Jack explains the plan to him, earning many nods from Declan, guaranteeing it's a good plan.

Now, to wait for the right time.

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