-Chapter Eight-

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-Technos POV-

I grabbed my sword and I was the first one out the door. I did exactly what I told Tommy not to and slammed the door behind me. When I got outside I saw a timber wolf?! 'IVE NEVER SEEN A TIMBER WOLF IN THESE FORESTS! WHY IS IT DRAGGING DREAM?!'

Dream was holding a stick in one hand while his other arm looked to be in a sling, He was keeping his balance sure.. But he is still being dragged by a damn wolf!

I ran towards them. I lined up my hit, and I went for it. I wasn't going to let Dream go that easily. Not again...

I heard a whimper...

and then something hit the ground....

-3rd Person POV-

Feather fell to the ground, The only thing that could be heard was a thump then a gasp. The next thing that happened Dream was on his knees yelling at Techno while trying to stop the blood. Tommy, Ranboo, Niki, Phil and Wilbur all ran out.

"NO!" Ranboo stopped Dream from his yelling, He knew that if Feather died Dream would close himself off again.

"TECHNO GIVE ME YOUR CAPE" Dream turned to Techno and yelled. "Bu-" Dream lost it... "GIVE ME THE CAPE DAMNIT!" Techno quickly took off the cape and handed it to Dream. He took the cape and in just a second was right by Feathers side. He picked up a bit of snow and made a snowball. He moved Feathers fur so he could see the gash, Dream used the snowball to clean the fur and the blood around the cut, He rid it of blood, to prevent the anything from getting infected. And kept the snowball out of the cut incase of any bacteria.

"I need a belt." Dreams voice was cold while he was wrapping Technos cape around the wolf. His voice turned to a whisper "Please.." Tommy ran over to Dream, He took his belt off and gave it to Dream.. He took it and nodded his head. He lifted the wolf a bit and placed his foot under him to hold him up. He pulled the belt under and over the wolfs stomach and over the cape.

He pulled the end of the cape to keep it tight, Then buckled the belt up to hold it. Dream quickly ran and grabbed Tommy's sled, then ran with the sled back to Feather and the others. He attempted to pick up Feather but he only had one arm. Tommy looked at everyone else, who were just standing there with surprised/scared faces. Tommy grunted and shook his head at them then ran to help Dream. "We'll get him all patched up. Even if they don't help." Tommy smiled, Ranboo walked over to the two and nodded his head, Everyone else stayed out of the way for now. Letting the three have a wholesome moment. Tommy pulled the rope to the sled, He put it over his head and over his waist so he could pull it easier.

"I have a sewing kit inside. We can use that to stitch it up." Phil said softly. Dream nodded quickly and hobbled after the sled. Techno and Phil carried the wolf inside and set him on the couch.

2 hours later

Dream had gone upstairs and fell asleep in the first room he saw, Phil stitched up the cut and cleaned it. When Feather had finally woken up, He started to freak out when he realized Dream wasn't in the room with him. No one except Ranboo understood why Feather was freaking out. "He's upstairs Feather." Ranboo giggled a bit when Feather raced up the stairs he sniffed Dream out knocking things in the hallway down, Like photos and plants. When he finally found Dream he crawled into the bed and laid head on Dreams legs.

After talking downstairs for a bit everyone split off some going off to bed others staying up ie Technoblade.

Wilbur walked upstairs looking at the mess Feather left. 'Dream will clean it in the morning.' He walked into his room.

Only to see

A huge timber wolf and a 'green man' in a prison outfit sleeping in his bed. 'Great..Just perfect! This is my favourite thing in the world! I love sleeping on the couch so extremely much!' Wilbur sighed and walked over to the bed and looked at Dream. But when Wilbur moved his hand to move Dreams hair from his face, He was met with a not so sleeping wolf, Growling at him. "Okay! Okay! Sorry.." Wilbur walked away and towards the couch in his room.

He laid down and covered his eyes with his beanie. 'Good night green boy' And with knowing Dream was asleep on his bed. Safe. Wilbur fell asleep.

In the middle of the night Wilbur woke up to the sound of sobbing...

He saw Feather sitting up blocking Dream, And all of a sudden there was a rip then a groan. Wilbur shot up and ran over to Dream receiving a growl from Feather. From what Will could see Dream ripped his sling off. It was only cloth so it wasn't too strong and couldn't be comfortable to sleep with..

"You alright?" Dreams head shot up. "Fine! Im fine..." Dream seemed caught off guard. He wiped away the tears starting in his eyes and covered his eyes with his hair. Dream wasn't one to be open about stuff, especially when he's been crying already.

"Just go back to sleep." Dream pulled Wilburs blanket back over himself and awkwardly laid down. "Y'know.. The couch is very uncomfortable.." Wilbur hinted at. The blonde male whipped his head towards the brunette, Feather following the action and growling. "Fine! Fine! I will just break my poor back on the couch. Instead of sleeping in MY bed." Wilbur walked back towards the couch trying to earn sympathy by making small whining noises.

"Yes. And your bed is comfortable. Dream smirked when he heard Wilbur grunt.

"I hate you."

"I hate you too... Wilby..."

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