-Chapter Nineteen-

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There was suddenly a knock on the door.

Everyone looked at eachother a flash of worry through Dreams eyes. Wilbur had noticed and placed his hand on Dreams elbow. It wasn't much comfort but enough to calm the blond sheep down atleast a bit. Dreams eyes flashed over to Wilbur's at the slight touch. And almost...just almost as if Wilbur could read what Dream was thinking through this eyes. He had nodded and smiled a reassuring one, not one you would usually expect on Wilbur as of lately. But seemed to be enough calm Dream down.

Phil stood up and anyone could tell he was scared seeing as his wings twitched with what would be assumed as agitation, to someone who didn't know phil well. The older man walked through the house to the front door, heart deep in his stomach with fear. As be stopped in front of the door, the blond finally let out a breath. He reached out and turned the handle, slowly opening the door to reveal...

"Niki! Thank god..." All the tenseness from phil fell instantly at the kind woman standing at the door.

"Thank you for inviting me for dinner Phil! And sorry for being late...- and scaring you!" She ended her sentence with a bit of an awkward laugh, And Phil offered a very welcoming smile.

As the kitchen door everyone looked up, everyone on edge till they saw Phil's smile. "Just niki. Came to give us a little scare" The older man laughed and softly elbowed Niki who in turn laughed and shook her head.

Wilbur let out an audible sigh of relief as Dreams shoulders finally untensed. "I'm going outside." Wilbur spoke breathy, As he stood he gave one last glance to Dream then stepped out.

Hallways through dinner Wilbur still hadn't returned, He knew he shouldn't but Dream couldn't help but worry atleast a bit. "Uh..May i be...uh- excused? bathroom.." Dream stuttered out stirring in his   chair, Earning a giggle from Tommy. "Of course Dream you don't need to ask." Phil spoke softly, Techno had a smirk cross his face as he shook his head.

Dream stood up and pushed his chair in before awkwardly bowing his head and walking the way to the bathroom. As soon as he was out of sight he made a turn for the front door.

Opening the door revealed Wilbur, standing on the porch. From this position he seemed to just be leaning on the railing, but as the blond got closer, he knew he shouldn't have assumed Wilbur would just sit and enjoy the air.


Wilbur was leaning on the railing with one arm, and in the other holding a lit cigar. "How many is that.." Dream spoke softly walking closer, drawing the attention of the brunette. "First.." Said male mumbled looking down at the snowy ground below them. When Dream didn't speak he looked up at the blond to see a extremely unbelieving face. "Fine." Wilbur took a drag of the cigar, blowing the smoke out away from Dream. "First...cigar." he spoke smugly.

Dream sighed as he copied Wilbur leaning on the railing. "I don't see the point in this.." He spoke motioning to the cigar. "Just killin yourself..." Wilbur shrugged taking another drag and holding it for a minute. "Helps..." He spoke while breathing out the smoke. Dream shook his head at - in his opinion - awful smell.

They stood in silence for a bit, Wilbur continued to take breaths of his cigar and Dream just sat there.

After 10 minutes of a cross between comfortable and awkward silence, Dream finally spoke up. "T-Thanks.." Was all he said, Causing Wilbur to look up at him in pure confusion. "Oh!" Dream laughed at himself. "I mean... Thanks for worrying about me." Dream finished off, A slight smile on his face.

Wilbur's mouth opened like he wanted to say something before deciding against it. He took a drag of the cigar before speaking. "what are friends for..?" Wilbur said spoke with a soft smile.



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