-Chapter Twenty Eight-

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Dream was sat on the porch legs hung over the railing with his sketch book in hand. He stole on of Technos capes wrapping it around himself to block out the cold. Dream was sketching what he saw not paying attention to much. Which is the reason the blond was so caught off guard when a hand was placed on his back.

"You doing alright Dream?" Phil...

Phil had been helping Dream with his health. While everyone else ate huge meals for dinner and lunch, Phil made smaller, less filling meals for Dream so he would actually be able to eat them. And he was getting better, able to eat more and finally able to stand the smell and sight of potatoes.

"Mhm!" Dream acknowledged the man, but his eyes never left that one spot in the forest where he would see an old friend...

"What's that Dream?" Phil pointed to the spot Dream was staring at on the drawing, and just as he expected there was a little messy sketch of a wolf in the trees.

"What's that Dream?" Phil pointed to the spot Dream was staring at on the drawing, and just as he expected there was a little messy sketch of a wolf in the trees

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"I think it's Feather... I'm not too sure.." Dream looked from the drawing back to the trees and the figure was gone "A wolf keeps appearing there" He pointed to the spot.

"It's probably nothing Dream.. Dinners ready come on in." Phil offered with a smile.

As they walked inside Phil gave one last look to the forest before following the blond sheep hybrid.

The next time Dream saw the figure, He and Wilbur were walking in the forest. Dream was talking to Wilbur about the wolf he kept seeing. When they were near the spot, a tussle could be heard in the bushes causing both their heads to snap in that direction.

"It really feels like i'm going crazy" Dream mumbled looking away from the bush.

"Your not..don't worry" Wilbur placed a hand on Dreams shoulder and smiled down at him.

When Dream continued to just stare at the ground, Wilbur pulled the shorter of the two into a hug. Dreams face was in Wilbur's chest and Wilbur had his in Dreams neck.

"Your not." Wilbur whispered in a hush and calming voice. Wilbur held the man tight till he heard a huff of exhaustion.

"Okay..." Dream moved his head to look up at Wilbur with a smile. "Okay."

"Take it from a crazy man himself." Wilbur joked with a wink, making Dream laugh. These were the times Wilbur enjoyed the most, when he could comfort the younger and make him feel better with a laugh. "Let's head back yeah? You getting hungry? we've been walking awhile.." Wilbur hoped the blond was hungry just so he'd eat more.

Dream nodded his head "I could eat." He smiled to the brunette making him smile right back.


Dream sat on a hill in the DreamSMP while Wilbur "deals with unfinished business" whatever that means.

Thankfully Dream wasn't alone, he had Patches. and was just watching the sky not very aware of his surroundings.

His first mistake.

Quackity came from behind him, weirdly quiet but didn't attack. On his way by he knocked Dreams hand from underneath him making fall back on his back

"WHAT THE FU-" Dream landed with a thud. But still no attack came from the duck hybrid.

"Dream." He spoke as he moved to sit a bit ways away. Enough to show he wasn't fond of the person sat next to him.

"Let's just...Talk."

Sorry it's so so short i just wanted to get this out cus i haven't updated in over a month😭

next will be longer :)

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