-Chapter Ten-

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Dream and Wilbur started their walk towards the greater SMP, It was extremely tense between the two. "Sooo..." Wilbur tried to end the silence, But it just made it more awkward. "Shut it." Feather growled at Wilbur after Dream spoke, "What did I do?! I was just told to come with you!" Dream continued walking ignoring Wilbur.

"Hey Dream..."


"Is there anything i can do...?"

That question caught Dream attention, He tripped over his own feet, Feather ran in front of him to catch Dream if needed. But Wilbur quickly grabbed Dreams hips keeping him up. "Thanks." Dream whispered then pushed himself away from the brunette leaning on the wolf in front of himself. "Your still hurt Dream this is a bad idea." Dream whipped his head towards Wilbur.

"I've done manhunts on one heart. I think I can manage this." Dream started walking again, determined to prove to himself -to wilbur...- that he can protect himself. Feather looked at Wilbur for the first time with no hate in its eyes. Just worry. Worry for Dream. Then ran back to Dream.

Once Wilbur caught up with the male and wolf, The conversation from earlier continued.. "You never did answer my question. You just tripped on your own feet." Wilbur laughed out. Dream walked closer to the brunette, Making Wilbur blush a light colour of pink. Some how even after everything Wilbur still made Dream feel safe. "Sorry... Sheep instincts" Dreams ears lowered a bit, The brunette found that adorable. "No problem little lamb..." Wilbur smiled.

After half an hour of silence Dream spoke up about what Wilbur was talking about earlier. "Wilbur...I wish I could forgive you..But." Dreams ears were down still. "Do you want to know the one thing Quackity did. That was worse then torture?" Dreams voice was cold but if you listened carefully you could here his voice breaking slowly.

Wilbur just shrugged.. "Do you remember... Niki's birthday? I wasn't able to make it because I was helping Purpled." The two walked close together thanks to Dreams sheep instincts to stay huddled together for protection. "He got hurt so I was watching after him. I didn't know anything that happened. Niki didn't tell me about it even when I asked. Karl didn't tell me anything. Nobody would." Wilbur already had a guilty look on his face knowing what the blonde is talking about. "Heh... 'You can trust me Dream, I'll always be there for you Dream.'" Dream tail lowered, Sniffling back tears.

"Quackity showed me pictures taken of everything.. Just to try to make me break. 'How many other times has it happened? And with how many people?' Those were the only thoughts I had. Not even thinking about ways to help me survive, not on food, Water. Just that." Dream looked away from the tall brunette next to him. Dream could hear a ton of mobs around them, Staying close by Wilbur and Feather.

"Dream-" But he was cut off. "Why don't we take a break?... My legs hurt..." Dream stopped near a tree and walked over to it. Dream sat down hugging his knees. Feather trotted towards Dream, and laid right beside the boy. Wilbur sighed and sat somewhat near Dream but not too close. Wilbur was the only one with a weapon, Dream basically had a bodyguard who would kill anyone or anything.

Dream moved one of his hands to Feathers head and started petting the wolf.

"So where are we even going...?" Wilbur mumbled out. "I'm going to visit my-...Tubbo..." Dream lowered his head.

"I thought...You and Tubbo didn't get along" Wilbur whispered out, Forgetting Dream was a sheep hybrid. "We...do. Sometimes.." Dream hissed out, Causing Wilbur to just sigh and lay back against the tree.

Dream never talked about his family with anyone.. Somehow Wilbur made him feel safe enough

"I have 1 biological brother. And 3 Non-biological brothers. Well- Now I only have 2.." Dream voice was just above a whisper, Loud enough for Wilbur to hear. He didn't understand where this was coming with but still listened. "I saw Nick as a brother... But he ended our friendship by trying to kill me.... George left too.."

"I never liked your friendship with George" Wilbur had some jealousy in his voice.

"Oh c'mon dude! You have flirted with George while we were dating!"

"SO DID YOU!" Wilbur sat up a bit.

"I do that with all my friends!" Dream yelled "And I stopped after George stole my mask! HE FORCED ME TO DO A FACE REVEAL! AND YOU STILL WERE ALL FLIRTY!" Things between the two were getting a lot more tense.



Wilbur sighed, And hit his head against the tree. While Dreams head hurt from yelling, And Feather was now laying in a more protective position. The two fell asleep, With Feather staying awake. More to protect Dream but also Wilbur.

In the morning

Dream sat up to see Wilbur already awake. "You always slept better outside." Wilbur laughed, And Dream just hummed out not even trying to deny it. "Let's ...Yawn... get going..." Dream stood up to see Feather had blood around his mouth. He looked around to see a pile of Dead...?- Re-Dead..? A pile of not moving zombies. Dream giggle, "Good boy" the blonde pet the wolfs head. "How old is that wolf?" Wilbur questioned, Dream looked at him for a moment, Memories from last night coming back, He shook his head then looked back to Feather.

"Not sure. I just know he's not an adult. Probably about two..." Wilbur looked worried but he just hummed. The three continued on the way only stopping for food. They continued until they say the greater SMP.

"Finally!" Dream yelled, Him and Feather (Literally the two injured ones) ran towards the water jumping in. Wilbur leaned against the arch post watching Dream and smiling. He had more of a sad smile then a happy one.

Dream and Feather were playing in the water when someone walked up to the three..



Ayeeee two chapters today (:

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