-Chapter Twenty Six-

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"Why's Dream here..?"

Sams voice shouted dominance and righteousness. "Tommy he manipulated you. This isn't... This isn't right." Sam looks at the young blond who is staring right back.

"It's fine Sam." Tommy's tone left no room for argument.

"Don't come begging for my help when he turns on you guys." Sam made a sound close to a growl.

Dream was stood between Wilbur and Purpled, sorrowful. His hands were clenched to the point his knuckles were white, and if someone were to pay close attention they'd be able to see the bit of blood dripping from where his fingers were digging into his palm.

Wilbur placed his hand on Dreams arm after noticing how he tense the shorter was. Dream lowered his head allowing the mop on top of his head to cover his eyes, and covering the small tears of frustration welling in his eyes.

Sam walked out with anger in his steps, Dream flinching at every step.

Then everything was silent.

Purpled picked at his nails not wanting to be the first to talk.

Dream feigned interest in the ground, acting as if it were the most interest thing here.

Wilbur was rubbing up and down Dreams arm in a comforting affectionate way.

And Tommy was still staring at where Sam was just standing with his nose scrunched and scowl on his face.

No one wanted to speak first.

Until someone did.

"I uh.. Think I should get Dream back to Phil.. He's probably ready to leave now." Wilbur offered with a smile to the blond who's still staring at the floor.

Dream nodded but didn't say anything and just walked out. Not giving his usual goodbye that Tommy had grown to adore.

Tommy and Wilbur gave each other a look before Wil followed Dream out.

Finally Dream, Phil, and Wilbur arrived back to the cabin. As they walked in there was the familiar smell of vanilla and fire wood which instantly calmed Dream down and at last he released his clenched fists.

As soon as the blonds muscles untensed he felt the pain in his palms, bringing them up to look he noticed crescent shape cuts where his fingers were digging into his palm for so long.

Knowing if he told Phil, Techno would then find out and try to figure out where they came from he settled with his best choice.

As the family- yes family... Dream found that word odd now but it just fit-  sat down and relaxed he walked up to Wilbur tugging on the man's sleeve.


Ever the simp Wilbur smiled at the name and greeted him. "What's up?" Wil tilted his head to the side.

"Can we go into the kitchen for a moment?" Dream looked at him with as Wilbur would describe them hopeless or desperate eyes which just made everything in his body literally melt. And of course he agreed shuffling around the man and walking to the kitchen, Dream right on his heels.

As soon as they were in the kitchen Wilbur leaned against the counter with a playful smirk. "There wasn't some love potion in those cookies i hope. your being awfully clingy." Wilbur joked but when Dream didn't laugh he quickly added, "Not that it's a bad thing! Your cute- it's cute- uh yeah"

And if that didn't get a laugh out of Dream then nothing would.

The blond let out a little chuckle hopping up onto the island counter across from Wilbur. "Your dumb." Dream said with a small smile. "And that was really cringe." He added with a teasing tone.

Wilbur laughed shaking his head before looking up to the blond sat before him. "Honestly though. Is something wrong?" And to Wilbur's surprise, Dream was instantly honest with him nodding his head.

The blond lifted his hand infront of him and flipped them so his palms faced up. "I didn't want Techno or Phil to question them.."

The brunettes eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the cuts, then he looked at Dreams posture, once again tense and ashamed. "Of course I understand. I'll grab the alcohol and wrap" Wilbur said with an honest and soft smile and which Dream had no choice but to return.

When Wilbur returned he stood between Dreams legs holding the rubbing alcohol in one hand and both Dreams in the other. "I'm glad that situation didn't escalate." Wilbur said as he pulled Dreams hands over the sink. Only getting a nod from the blond in return. "Sam was smart not to argue with Tommy. No one can win those."

"Sam knew he was outnumbered and out powered." Dream corrected Wilbur, even if what he said was correct too.

As the alcohol was poured onto his cuts Dream let out a wince scrunching up his face. Wilbur whispered out an apology.

"Sam has every right not to trust me.." 'I don't even trust me' was left unsaid but Wilbur picked up on it, So he just nodded, placing the bottle on the table and picking up one of the wraps.

"I'm sorry.. You know that right?" Wilbur said as he was wrapping Dream first hand making sure it wasn't loose enough to fall off but not tight enough for it to hurt. "For the whole-" Wilbur either couldn't or didn't want to say it but Dream nodded his head. "yeah.." Wilbur finished.

"That's really not something I want to talk about Wil."

"I know..."

The sat in silence for a minute while the brunette finished wrapping Dreams first hand.

It wasn't an awkward silence..

But it also wasn't very comfortable either.

just.. silence

"I wasn't in the right..head space. Didn't want you to have to deal with that."

"That no excuse for cheating.. Kind of.. I don't even know any more." Dream sighed shaking his head.

The day before the party that ruined everything for them.. The two had got into an argument. Wilbur walked out. And they didn't talk till the day of the brunettes death..

"It's not. I know.."

Wilbur was half way done wrapping the blonds second hand when all of a sudden the man felt pressure on his shoulder and chest. Looking to the side he saw something he thought he'd never see again.

Dreams head was rested on his shoulder and his wrapped hand now on his chest, head pressed more into Wilbur's neck. He felt the heat of Dreams breath..

Wilbur definitely missed this.

Wilbur smiled and stayed quiet while wrapping the rest of the wrap before tying it off.

When Dream made no sign of moving, Wilbur stepped forward resting his hands on the counter beside Dreams hips and his forehead on Dreams shoulder.

This wasn't like how they were before.. Before his death, before the war, before their fight...

This was much better.

Because now they weren't Wilbur: leader of L'manburg/ Crazy guy wanting destroy his own country and Dream: Admin of the server, Tyrant, Villain of Tommy's story.

They were just two people. they're own people.

They were just Dream and Wilbur.

Finally had time to write now that mid terms are coming up and I don't have homework.

I got bored and decided i wanted Dreambur now instead of later. So here's the start to their new start :,) Technically it started last chapter but shhhh

Not to sure if I like it but this book is a mess, but that just about explains me🤷‍♀️😂

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