-Chapter Nine-

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(Art belongs to- Certified silly boy on tumblr :])

Wilbur didn't sleep at all for the rest of the night. He just stayed up thinking about what Dream just said and listening to his soft snores, Of course the grunts and snores of the wolf covered most of the sheep hybrids snores. But Wilbur still heard the occasional one.

Wilburs POV

Wilby... It sounds so cute when he says it... Argh! What am I thinking?! He hates me, That was just some friendly bit of teasing..
















3rd Person Pov

Dream woke up first, In a lot of pain. He quietly stood up, Shaking Feather awake. Dream stood up and looked at his clothes. 'This is Wilburs room... So it should have his clothes...Hehe.' Dream stole a pair of Wilburs sweatpants and a hoodie then walked downstairs. Feather followed him, a bit slow from having to be careful with the wound. "Let me just make some coffee...Then we can...-Yawn...  go...go outside." Dream walked into the kitchen only to see Philza in the kitchen. "G'Morning Dream!" Phil wasn't a morning person. But with three children. One being a blood god, One being obsessed with blowing shit up, And the last being a little gremlin. He needs to be first awake.

"Morning Phil.." Dream heard a slight chuckle from Phil while Feather decided to lay down while waiting. "Wot?" Dream made a slight pouty face, Phil handed him a cup of coffee. "Your not a morning person are you?" Dream didn't reply and just shook his head, "I also didn't realize till 1 in the morning that I was in Wilby- Wilbur's room."

"Wilbur never told me what happened between you two.."

Dreams POV

"Wilbur never told me what happened between you two.."

'H-He didnt...? I thought...-'

"Oh.. Well... I didn't tell anyone either.. Not that I had anyone to tell.. It was just a bit of. a messy breakup." Phil always acted like a father to me, So it would be reasonable to say talking about mine and his actual sons breakup could be a bit... Awkward..

"Of course, Makes sense why he wouldn't tell me then." Phil had what looked to be a sad smile. I turned around and walked outside before it could get awkward. "Cmon Feather" I whispered, Then heard nails on the floor. I opened the door, and saw Feather weakly run out, Once I was out I leaned onto the fence taking a sip of the coffee. After 20 minutes I heard the door open then some footsteps, I kept my eyes away from the door.

"Hey...How are you doing?"

3rd person POV

Dream turned towards the door to see Wilbur leaning against the wall. Dream sighed and looked back towards Feather. "I'm fine. Just a bit sore..." Dream rubbed his ribs where Quackity kicked him. "Hm..." Wilbur walked next to Dream, Everything was quiet while the two were watching Feather chasing a rabbit around.

"You were up before me.. Never used to be like that..." Wilbur was reminiscing about their time living together. Dream always slept in, Anytime he did wake up early Dream would always make Wilbur cuddle him. Now those were Wilburs favourite memories..

"Maybe you were just up late.." Dream tried to joke it off, But the hurt in his voice was evident. It was silent for a moment, before Dream spoke up. "C-Can we not? Please..." Dream looked over at Wilbur who was confused. "You've had time to get over everything soot. I was stuck in a dark room with nothing to do." Dreams voice turned a bit cold. "W-What...?" Wilbur stuttered out. Dream passed the cup to Wilbur then walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going." It wasn't even a question it was a statement... Wilbur needed to know. "I'm not a child." Dream was petting Feather now his voice was cold while talking to Wilbur but he was smiling the whole time. "But you are a wanted prisoner." Wilbur hissed, Dream whipped his head around.

"Alright. I'm going to the greater SMP because I need to see someone. Got any issues with that? Am I allowed to see people or do I have to be under your watch ever minute?!"


Dream fell to the ground, his whole body was shaking... Feather stepped over him to cover the male from Wilbur. "Oh cmon Dream! You yell all the time!" Wilbur walked down the stairs, Wilbur stood in front of the wolf who was covering Dream. Phil came running out the door to that sight. "You are not leaving Dream. I'm-" 'I can't loose you again...' "I'm not letting you switch sides."

"Wilbur?" Wilbur's head whipped around to see Phil. "Hey Phil.." The brunette lowered his head. Phil Flew over two the younger blonde and stuck his hand out. Dream grabbed it reluctantly and got pulled up, Feather backing  out of his defensive position. "What was that all about guys?!" Wilbur crossed his arms, And Dream just pet Feather.

"Are either of you gonna answer?!" Phil was using his angry father tone. It wasn't all angry but more disappointed.. "I wanted to go visit someone...Wilbur was...Telling me.. It's a bad idea." Dream mumbled out with his head down not daring to look at Phil. The two heard Phil sigh, "I have to agree with Wilbur Dream.." Dream looked up at Phil. "But!-"

"But... I will let you go-" Dream looked extremely happy, He was about to cut Phil off "THANK-" "Ah Ah Ah! Let me finish." Dream pouted like a puppy but let Phil talk. "I will let you go IF Wilbur goes with you." Wilbur and Dream had the same expression on their faces. Disbelief. "My business in the greater SMP isn't Wilburs business! I have Feather!" Phil looked between the two. "You may have feather but your both injured! And if I let you go alone Techno and Niki will kill me." Phil fought back. Dream looked behind him at Wilbur, Feather copying his movements.

"So the only way i'm able to go is if he comes?" Dream repeated just to make sure, Phil nodded. Dream sighed and started walking, Dream stopped when he only heard him and Feathers footsteps, He looked behind him at Wilbur and crossed his arms.

Wilbur looked at Phil "Go on, Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Wilbur looked back at Dream and sighed. The brunette ran toward the young blonde and spoke,

"Let's hurry up. I want to be back as soon as possible."

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