-Chapter Twenty Nine-

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"Lets just talk.." 

Dream stared up at Quackity with wide and upset eyes, Looking up at the man that had once been his frined until a nation and a book tore them apart, and somehow pushed Quackity into torturing him for information on his revival book that Quackity himself would not have even been able to use. 

Dream was brought back to the present as he heard Patches hiss and dig her nails into his leg, Dream shook his head and saw that Quackity had moved to sit across from him on the hill.

"Why would i talk to you.. " Dream mumbled while glaring at him

"You want your new friends to be safe.. dont you?" He said in a condesending voice. "You want this new friendship between you and Tommy to work? The possability of your family fixing itself. Having the oppertunity to fix what ever this is between you and Wilbur...?" He smirked, placing his head in his hands as he stared at Dream.

"W-What.. You- You dont know anything.. I- What are you even talking about?!" Dream stuttered out, clenching his hands painfully tight as he feels his nerves building up.

"Dream... We both know.. if you stay... you're just going to ruin things again. You're going to do the same thing with Wilbur, Techno, and Niki, Phil, Tommy all of them... that you did to Karl.. Me.. George.. and Sapnap." Quackity spoke non chalantly, but obiously also trying to explain something to Dream. "You are going to ruin them like you did you old friend. You're going to ruin them then run away again." He said with a smirk.

"N-No.. I wont.. They- They-"

"They what Dream? care about you?" Quackity laughed. "While you were in prison and Wilbur was walking around... who do you think he was with the most apart from Tommy? Who do you think kept him company most of the time?" He tilted his head. "He didn't seem to even care about our little sessions.. He probably wanted to do the same thing to you after we told him the things you did to Tom."

Dream shivered as Quackity spoke, it was the same condesending and powerful voice that Dream cowered away from in the prison. It was the same voice he used when he tried to convince Dream that was for his best interest and giving up the book would save him. That all he needed to do was give him the book and all the torture and pain would end....

"And Techno? Didn't he break you out of prison because of a favour? He probably cant wait till you're on your feet again so he can throw you away like everyone else has."

The thoughts that Dream has said to himself were now spewing out of Quackitys mouth, with so much conviction and confidence that Dream couldnt help but let him into his head again, the same way he had let Quackity affect him in the prison.

"But you know the one place that you did barely any damage? The prison... you couldn't hurt anyone else... well... apart from Tommy and all.. the poor boy." Quackity shook his head.

"T-That wasn't... That wasn't my fault.." Dream mumbled, still staring down at the ground with wide eyes as he tried to force himself not to believe the things Quackity was saying. "I-I they are helping me now.. they are actually helping me.. and... and im happy.." Dream whispered as he felt tears prick his eyes, it's the first time he openly admitted that he actually felt happy again. He was getting help.. and he was happy about it.

"Dream..." Quackity sighed "You cant be helped... You're a monster. And you know it as well everyone else-.."

"Thats enough Quackity..." A voice mumbled from behind Dream, he recognized the voice, he knew who it was, but through the haze in his mind he couldnt put his finger on it, whoever it was, he knew they made Quackity get up with a huff, sending one last glare while saying:

"Just think about what I said Dream. Everyone is safer with you gone."

And then he walked away.

Dream was still staring down at he ground while patches kneeds into his leg trying to get his attention. But he doesnt look up until a soft and gentle hand lands on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly.

"It's okay Dream... D-Don't believe him.. You are right where you need to be....Duckling..."


Its gonna be slow updates but I want to finish these books so they arent just left here even though im not much into DSMP anymore :)

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