-Chapter Fifteen-

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"Im sorry...."

"I-...I really am.."

Everything stayed quiet for a second. Every bone and every instinct in Dreams body telling him to forgive the male but his heart not wanting to be broken once more. Lets just say...everything worked together and came up with.

"I forgive you...But... It will take some time." Dream faked a smile at the brunette who was smiling back right away. Dream nodded his head at the male holding himself back from hugging him and started his trip towards Tommy's house to hopefully find Tubbo!

The blonde knew about snowchester before. He has seen it! Of course he visited! And of course he was proud. His little brother taking lead on stuff. It hurt him... The things he said to Tubbo... about him being a bad president...The look in his eyes while he was hearing it. The way the boys ears lowered along with his tail...And even the fight he caused between Tubbo and Tommy! But if he didnt do that... XD would have done something much....much worse.. Dream continued his walk staying in his head worrying about what Tubbo would think when he saw him.. I mean he is wanted in this area.. And he is still injured.. The blonde looked down at his arm that was still in a sling.

"Feather you should stay out of the Greater SMP..." Feather just shook his head.. Maybe if WIlbur was still here... But he went home so he didn't cause Dream any more stress.. Oh the earful he is going to hear from Phil, Techno and Niki. Dream giggled to himself thinking about that interaction. But abruptly stopped when he heard a foot step. Whipping his head around and checking his surroundings.

"Fuck... Not again..."

The hackles on Feathers back rose as he jumped into a protective position, stumbling a bit because of his wound.

"What kind of person lets a wanted prisoner walk alone..?" Dream looked all around him to try to find the source to this voice. "And..They left you with a...helpless..hurt...pitiful wolf" Feather growled, and Dream started to feel unsafe.. "cmon Feather.." Dream started to walk "Woww Dream is willing to go as far as making friends with an animal that could leave at anytime! All because his friends left him." Dream hit his head once, "Shut up." Dream walked faster trying to make his way to Tommy's to try to find Tubbo. But the voice in his head just continued and didnt stop.. "Just stop...Stop. STOP!" Dream yelled hitting his head once more and falling to his knees for a minute, He couldnt hear anything around him all he knew was Feather was right next to him feeling the wolfs fur. Then all of a sudden...

He felt a hand on his shoulder... Feather moved away which scared Dream... The only thing that was safe right now just left.... But the hand started to squeeze softly. As if trying to get his attention... The blondes hearing slowly came back and the surrounding area lit up once more. He looked behind him to see the newest member on the server... One of Tommy's friends...



Sorry for the short chapter once again... I wanted to get this out before I get ready for school. T-T. But I have a free period

so most likely I will either be on tiktok or this heh

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