-Chapter Twenty Two-

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After everything that happened with Dream making Feather go find his family... They decided against going out and doing anything. Which bring us to right now! The newly formed 'family' were all sitting in the living room. Dream was sat sketching in his book on the couch with Wilbur, Techno was out getting more fire wood, and Phil was in the kitchen cooking. Niki was texting most probably Puffy on her communicator. Ranboo was off at his house.  They had some sort of understanding to keep to themselves today, They were able to strategically dance around eachother when walking around. Almost as if it they've been like this for years instead of weeks.

As time went on, Everything got better. Well not exactly everything... Tommy and Tubbo had come around a lot more, Tubbo finally getting to see his real brother again not just the facade he had put up before. Bad had came up once or twice but the whole time Dream and Bad were talking he was terrified by Dreams two 'guard dogs' as Bad put it. Techno and Wilbur sat in the room with a stern and protective look the whole time. Never breaking. Dream would go out and run around in the snow once all his injuries were healed, He also started practicing his parkour a lot more since he hadn't been able to do anything difficult.

Techno and Wilbur watched through the window as Dream attempted to jump swing through the tree branches, which kept snapping due to the cold making them weak. The two brothers shared one small glance at eachother and already had a plan.

That night when Dream went to sleep, once again stealing Wilbur's bed. The two got Tommy and Phil to help out too. But they spent all night, and they built a parkour course like they used to play on when they were younger, practice for MCC. Dream was always one of the few that finished the whole course being a try hard in parkour and all.

And so after a full night they had a pretty decent course. Especially since it was only a night which wasn't a lot of time and they were all tired after a couple hours of working. But once they were all finished for the night, they retired back to their room.

Wilbur entered his room seeing Dream cuddled up on the bed hugging a pillow. The brunette couldn't help but smile at the younger. He started to make his way over to the couch for another night with a sore back when he heard a soft and grumbly voice. The voice filled with sleep but even so he recognized it and it could only belong to one person. "Where were you...?" The sheep hybrid mumbled, his face still in the pillow he was cuddling muffling his voice. "Techno just needed my help with somethin..." He could see the mop of hair nod and a small hum from Dream. Wil sat down on the couch with a sigh. After a few minutes of resting his legs the brunette got up to change.

As he was pulling up a pair of sweat pants the blonds voice again — Still with his face in that stupid pillow.. — "You don't have to sleep on the couch you know..." Dreams voice a bit less tired now that he's been up for a few minutes, But you could still hear how tired he was. "It's a big enough bed..We can just keep to our own sides.." As if feeling the conflicted eyes on him Dream looked up with his forest green eyes which looked tired but somehow still full of life. There was a small, tired smile on his face and he nodded his head once more. Dream moved over to the left side of the bed and laid down, and he moved the covers on Wilbur's side to encourage and reassure him.

After a moment of trying to talk himself out of it Wilbur walked over to the bed sitting down. "Your sure your comfortable..?" Wilbur made sure. After everything and all the time it took for Dream to even spare Wilbur a second glance, he was not going to ruin it because his couch is uncomfortable. "If I wasn't comfortable, I wouldn't have offered" Dream let out a little giggle and put his hand on Wilbur's should for a minute as a sign of comfort. Then he retracted his hand and went back to cuddling the pillow. Wilbur sighed in relief and laid back pulling the blanket up to his stomach and laying an arm over his eyes.

The only sound left in the room Wilbur and Dreams breaths, Dreams were even and soft with a small snore having already fallen asleep due to having Wilbur's presence there. And Wilbur's slowing down but heavy as he's trying to force himself to sleep.

"Goodnight Wilbur" Dreams voice sounded happy and calm, Wilbur would never have guessed Dream would feel safe around him again. But the feeling in his chest that he did, the butterflies fluttering but also a sense of pride. Wilbur turned his head over so he was looking right at Dreams face, It was scarred..But he looked carefree right now. He looked..Beautiful. Wilbur let his finger lightly trace the cut going from the corner of his mouth to his cheek bone. Continuing to look at the blond he notice a smiley face on his neck as if it was a marking. To claim Dream as Quackitys.. Seeing the mark made something bubble in Wilbur's chest. Jealously... Even if Dream wasn't truly Quackitys that mark...Is gonna be there forever.. Wilbur brought his eyes back up to the blond mop of hair on top the males head. it was fairly curly more wavy and about midway down his neck after getting Phil to cut it. Now that the blond wasn't under stress his horns grew out probably as much as they will ever and just slightly poked out from his curls.

His sheep ears flicked softly in his sleep, when they were still Wilbur could see the small scars on them. This was the first time since Dream was out of prison that Wilbur was able to fully take in what Dream had gone through. And If Wilbur was to be honest he isn't sure how Dream didn't go crazy in there. Anyone else..? They  would have. Including him. From what Wilbur heard..Most of the time he was in prison he was tortured for the revive book. But stayed silent, well obviously since he would have killed Dream once he had the revive book. But still.. Months of torture and he didn't give up a book in which Quackity wouldn't have been able to use either way? Wilbur heard Phil and Techno talking about getting Dream to join the syndicate, they even already chose a greek god for him...

It worked that's for that's for sure.. The god of Silence and secrecy...


I decided to just work around the book and continue! But i'm gonna speed it up a bit as you could probably tell from the book here. Sometime in the future i might rewrite it but no promises!


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