-Chapter Twenty One-

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Location:Outside the SBI house
Date:December 2nd 2022

Dream, Techno, Niki and Phil were all standing outside. Dream kneeling in front of Feather. It was hard for Dream to let Feather go, really hard.. Dream couldn't let go and had been a little less than a month.. It took a little less than a month for Dream to be able to sit in front of Feather. His best friend... His best friend that has saved him more times than he'd probably wish to admit. And it has taken a little less than a month.. To finally be able push Feather away...

Technos pov

Dream had been sitting in front of the wolf in silence for.. at least around 10 minutes. "Dream." As soon as I spoke I swear i heard his neck snap as he whipped his head around and stared at me. If looks could kill it's safe to say I would be 6 feet under right now. I raised my hands in surrender and backed away a bit.

"i'm not letting him go because..he dangerous or..they can't be pets." The man in front of me huffed out a breath. "He- You have steve.. A polar bear. But Feather does have a family somewhere. Steve didn't.." Dream whispered out. Now I feel like a bit of a prick... of course I knew Feather wasn't dangerous. But when he grows he'll be around maybe bigger than steve.

"Yeah I understand.." Was my best reply. Anything else and I probably would have got a smack in the head from Phil. As Dream leaned down and stuffed his face into Feather fur giving him a hug, We got another quite uninvited guest to the send off party. Wilbur walked over and crossed his arm, very noticeably staring at Dream not even acknowledging the rest of us.

"Get out of here Feather.. Go find your pack!" If it weren't for how quite it was out here, with the slightest wind blow we wouldn't have been able to hear Dream. Dream was hugging the poor wolf as if as soon as he let go he would be back in that prison cell. The sound of the snow crunch filled the area as Niki took a knee next to Dream with what looked like some paint. No one could see what they were doing as both their bodies were blocking it but the sound of Dreams laugh was evident in the secluded snow field.

The two stood up and Dream had what looked to be a note book with a medium sized paw print and Dreams handprint right next to it on the front, and from the looks of it it was still drying. Then looking at what Niki had - A barrel of Black and Green paint -

"You mentioned you started Drawing in...prison.." Niki said as he pushed her shoulder into Dream smiling at him. If i were to tell the truth they are a bit of an off pair.. more if they were friends before Dreams lockup. The blond boy was always so energetic like a golden retriever puppy, And he still has that same energy around him.. Just seems a lot more shy or nervous around people. While Niki has always been quiet but not afraid to stand up for herself one bit, Or those she cares about. Also not to mention, She kinda went on a date with his mom... That sounds like it could be the start to a bad joke..-

Dream hugged Niki and whispered something that made her smile even more.

As Dream said his goodbyes to Feather, The wolf got the idea.. It's weird how well they understand eachother. The wolf sat and bowed it's head down infront of Dream, Hearing Dream giggle was a relief.. Poor dude has had to say way too many goodbyes in a lifetime to longtime friends. But he's finding the light in the situation most likely not to worry us. The blond played along with it, Getting down on one knee and bowing.

The rest of us- except Wilbur of course 🙄- bowed their heads still standing. Everyone stayed like that for a minute, Was this a wolves way of saying goodbye?

No one's POV

Dream was the first to look up, and as soon as he did his legs gave out on him and he sat in a W position. Hearing the thud on the ground the others looked up to see Wilbur at Dreams side, surprisingly with a genuine worried face. After confirming Dream was alright, the reason for Dreams breakdown was identified..

Feather was gone.


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