-Chapter Twenty Three-

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The morning sun shined through the curtains of the window, Wilbur's laying awake not being able to move so instead picking up a book from the nightstand. Looking down at the same beautiful man that was curled in on their other side of the bed now curled around his side. He knew it was part of was just his sheep instincts, but some part of Wilbur wished and prayed that it was real. That he and fully forgiven him. But as long as the blond doesn't hate him, he can live with that...

"Dream..." Wilbur shook the smaller man, "It's almost one.. wake up!" Wilbur whined which caused Dream to smirk. "I am awake." Wilbur's eyebrows furrowed and Dream giggled at that. "I'm a light sleeper now wil.. Ive been awake since you tried to get up" the blond explained not moving his head from Wilbur's chest yet. "You broke your own rule..." Wil whispered.. he was hoping to get a 'it's alright' or 'i know' and confirmation that Dream was okay with it, but the blond didn't speak. But still, Dreams arms were wrapped around the brunette with his head on his chest. was that confirmation enough?

"I was cold..." Dream finally spoke up. Wilbur let out a soft hum and relaxed a bit. The two laid awake in peace for and hour until there was a knock on the door. When the two ignored it the door opened to reveal a bored looking pinkette, Well— a previous looking bored pinkette.

The sight Techno saw in front of him just wasn't gonna work for him. "No." He walked into the room uninvited to a giggling Dream and a scared looking Wilbur. Techno picked up Dream and yanked him away from Wilbur. "No.No.No.No.No." He continued saying as he ushered Dream out of the room leaving a very confused and worried for his life Wilbur.

Techno was giving Dream the death stare the whole way downstairs while said blond couldn't stop laughing. Techno pushed the male down into the chair at the kitchen table and tucked him in, then went to the kitchen to grab the food. He came back out with two plates of eggs and and toast — Cus he can't have bacon :) — and placed one in front of Dream "awee no bacon pig boy?" Dream made a pouty face "Not in my house." Techno grumbled as he bit into the toast shaking his head at Dream.

The two ate in a nice and comfortable silence, until a certain brunette walked down the stairs. When red and brown eyes met their was a different look in both one of death and one of fear. As Wilbur walked to the table their eyes never broke. Wilbur rested his arms on the table still keeping his eyes on Techno almost as if it's assuring he won't die. "Uhh.." A small smirk grew on Dreams face as he knew what was gonna happen.

The brunettes stomach grumbled seeing and smelling the food, Techno raised an eyebrow practically challenging Wilbur to say something. "Uh..Food looks good..?" Techno hummed, "Is there...-" Techno shook his head before the question even finished. Then went back to ignoring Wilbur. "Oh Dream. Tubbo's coming by, Him and Tommy wanna show you something..." Techno said giving one last glance at Wilbur who was sat down. Dream gave a sound of notice and nodded his head. The two — sometimes three when Wilbur was able to talk — Continued their conversation till both of them were done. Dream still took a while to eat after only eating potatoes, and just to add to that he doesn't even eat much and it still takes a while.

Almost as if they had been watching, as soon as Dream finished washing his plate off the two gremlins barged in.

"BIG D!"


Tommy and Tubbo ran around the house looking for Dream not even realizing they ran right past him. The blond watched with an amused face as they ran through the house screaming and opening and slamming doors. And with the amusement on Dreams face, Technos was the exact opposite. After going to bed early in the morning and then seeing his childhood rival cuddling his brother, he was not in the mood for children yelling and breaking shit.

"You passed him nerds." Techno grumbled dishes clashing as he threw his plate in the sink. The loud footsteps grew louder as the gremlins ran into the kitchen. Not even stopping Tubbo grabbed Dreams hand dragging him out the door with Tommy right behind them. Once they were out it left Wilbur and Techno.

The piglin hybrid finally alone with his brother looked over at him, Wilbur raised is hands in surrender "He said he was okay with it!" Wilbur pouted. Techno shook his head "He's not sleeping in your room tonight." Technos voice was low. "Especially not until I can trust you near him again." Technos eyes dropped now looking at the ground. "You hurt him, his friends left him. and that left me to pick up his pieces all over again. I don't comfort people like Niki or Phil." Wilbur's eyebrows furrowed in guilt, "I've tried to apologize Tech..." Technos eyes shot back up at that,
"This isn't something you can just apologize about and it's over!" there was very clear agitation in his voice. "You begged to be killed. He revived you. And you technically cheated on him.. you were a dick..." Techno whispered out the last part. Wilbur nodded his head he knew what he did but hearing it repeated of him out loud...really sucked.

Meanwhile Dream was hopping around playing parkour tag with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo had joined them. "I'll hunt you guys!" Dream said in a cheerful and innocent voice fully knowing how scary he got when he hunted people. "nooooo..." Ranboo pouted, "None of your creepy hunter shit." Tommy spoke at the same time as Ranboo. Dream feigned innocence, and made himself look offended "me? I would never!"

The game started... "OH TOMMYYYYY"

"DREEEEEAMMMMM I SAID NO CREPPY HUNTER SHIT YOU BITCH BOY!" The boy screamed which must have distracted him as he tripped over one of the jumps allowing Dream the chance to catch up and tag Tommy. Dream tackled Tommy off the jump and laughed when the boy screamed again then joining Dream in laughing. The other two were all as high up as they could get. Dream pulled himself up jumping from platform to platform trying to get to Ranboo, The boy was taller than him and his legs were a lot longer, which meant he took longer strides. Dream was right behind him then all of a sudden he took a sprint and he was far ahead. Knowing he couldn't win that way he used shortcuts in the parkour to his advantage. He found a cut and landed infront of the tall man causing him to fall backwards reminding Dream of Bambi. (Idk why but when tall ppl, or even tall dogs fall, all i can think of it bambi😭💀) Once Ranboo was tagged and they finished their laughing fit Dream moved on to hunt the last child "OH DREMMMM" Tubbo yelled jumping around, Dream stood their for a second with a raised eyebrow just giggling. And of course this wouldn't be a parkour tag game if one person didn't screw up a jump and throw. Tubbo missed his jump in the most 'graceful' way possible "AGHHDBDJDJ FUCKK" Tubbo held onto the edge of the jump just hanging their. The two other teens were laughing on the sidelines and Dream walked over, stood right below Tubbo — the jump was low enough that Tubbo's legs had hung just in reach with Dream shoulder. "You good Tubbo?" You should hear the amusement in Dreams voice. "Yup! all good! Perfectly fine! Thanks for askin big man." The voice strained between using his muscles to keep him up and forcing his voice to sound happy. Dream place his hand on Tubbos foot laughing "Your out~" Tubbo sighed, pouting. Dream was giggling as he grabbed Tubbos legs, "Let go" Dream said softly, and if Dream stomach didn't hurt from laughing at the three all game he would have laughed seeing Tubbos eyes almost pop out of his skull. "Trust me Tubbo, I'm not weak! I am quite offended you would assume i am" Dream pretended to be hurt "Whatever you say big man" Thbbo let go taking Dream by surprise almost dropping Tubbo, Dream regained his strength and lifted the brunette to sit on his shoulder, walking over to the other two before dropping Tubbo on the ground complaining about his shoulder right away.

For the rest of the day and the next days to come the four and some other people took turns hunting and running from eachother.

Best. Build. Ever


Y'all... Dreambur...Protective Technoblade/Rivalsduo, and bench trio+ Dream/ Babysitter Dream. OMGGG😂

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