Chapter 1

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Everything changed in the matter of days. I found out who my biological father truly was, Bizaria recovered from her incident with the chandelier, Lord Julian escorted us all back to Feather Crown for school and for Bizaria to rest, and some of the most experienced adult elves had started to create the potion we needed to breathe and talk underwater. It wasn't easy handling everything that had happened but I was glad to be back at school, which I somehow started to attend a while ago, thanks to my friend Diego's father. Also known as Principal Lord Julian Athen. Thank the elf gods for him. He always was so nice and liked to help in whatever way possible. He made me feel better about the elf my father was and what a disgrace it was to be related to him. Part of me still couldn't believe that he was in control of all the evil things that had happened to my friends, but at least I was now brave enough to stand up against him. It had been 3 days since Parker had told me about my father, Nicholas Southland, and I was heading to one of my classes when Zoey stopped me in a hallway.

"Clover! I'm so glad I ran into you! Lord Julian's collecting all of us to his office."

I followed her to Lord Julian's office and when I entered, I saw my usual group of friends. Diego, Parker, and Bizaria. But there was someone else too. It was a girl most likely around my age and she had big light brown eyes and wavy brownish-black hair. She was absolutely stunning.

"Who's this?" I gestured towards her. She was prettily smiling on one of the small chairs but stood up to shake my hand delicately. Then, without saying anything, she pointed to a nametag on the left side of her chest. Bahiyyah James.

I blinked, then glanced at Zoey. "Um... how do you pronounce that?"

"Bahiyyah," she whispered quickly.

"Ba... hi... ya?" I sounded it out and honestly, her name sounded really nice.

"Yup," the girl said, as she nodded enthusiastically.

Lord Julian looked directly at me. "She's helping us work on the potion that's needed, as she's really skilled with these types of things. She's Ms. Carnelle's star student."

Woah. Ms. Carnelle taught Potions but I didn't have her class, as I wasn't an alchemist like her.

"It's great to meet you," I said. Bahiyyah grinned at me and returned her attention to Lord Julian, who was pulling out a flask with a royal blue liquid inside.

"What's that?" Parker asked.

"Part of the potion. We still need some ingredients but Bahiyyah, Ms. Cornelle, members of The Collective, and I are working diligently to make sure it's made as soon as possible. But meanwhile, return to your normal routine, attend your classes, and come to my office every day after school for training," Lord Julian announced.

"Okay," we all chorused. Soon after, we were allowed to leave and we made our way to our first class of the day. But before Parker, Zoey, and I could reach our classroom, a voice came onto the loud speaker.

"Give me Clover Southland and everyone will be safe. And I will go in peace. But if not, every single student and faculty member here are in grave danger."

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