Chapter 16

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The last time I saw Axel Thorn, he had created thunder, a tsunami, and a tornado.

All at the same time.

Now that I was closer to him, I saw he had raven coloured hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. And ohmygosh... his smile.

No, stop, I thought. I already have a boyfriend. A perfectly cute and good-looking boyfriend.

Donatella narrowed her eyes. "How much did you hear?"


"Seriously?" I frowned.

"Yeah. I knew you two were up to something from the start." Axel let out one single laugh.

"How?" Zoey asked. It was clear we all still didn't trust him, but it would be nice to know what gave us away to him.

Axel said, "It was obvious. Way too obvious. First of all, when you guys were sneaking around, you were too loud. And you never lock your lab door, Donatella. Trying to be sneaky and sly? All of you aren't good at it. Except Clover. She's actually alright." He winked at me, which made both Parker and Diego visibly stiffen.

I blinked. "You know my name?"

"Of course. Your father thinks you're the best teenage elf ever. If he had the chance, he would show you off to the whole world. He clearly can't see what a deceiver you are though. I mean... that's good for you guys."

Parker cleared his throat. "How do we know you're not going to rat us out?"

Axel grinned. "Parker, I was your friend, wasn't I? I would never. Irene on the other hand? Totally would. Good thing she didn't believe me when I told her I thought Donatella was being suspicious."

"Why on earth would you talk to Irene about this? Can't you think straight, Axel? She'll blab to someone the next second," Donatella scolded.

"Calm down. Irene has no idea what's going on. You can trust me. Don't worry."

"So you know what we're doing?" Bizaria demanded.

He nodded. "Yup. I know all about your investigation about the other dimension and I want to help."

Donatella sighed, considering his offer. "Please don't turn us in."

"What's in it for me?"

"We'll take you along to the Oasis," she suggested. "If we figure out where the portal is and we manage to escape here without a trace."

Axel smirked. "Don't you mean what the portal is?"

"Explain?" I requested. Did he know something we didn't?

Axel told us everything he knew about the other dimension. That there wasn't just 1 portal, but portals all over the place. He also explained about some of the elves that made it to Oasis, but never came back out. Not only that, he said that alter egos can visit this world, but they fade over time.

"This changes everything. How did you not know about this?" Diego wondered, staring at Donatella.

"I don't know everything."

"In fact. Maybe one of you has met your alter egos. You never really know who they could be. Maybe they've visited you before and you didn't realize," Axel said mysteriously.

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