Chapter 11

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"Wow, not suspicious at all," remarked Bizaria. Zoey gave her an annoyed look.

I gaped at Donatella. "So there's no secret discovery? You and Daisy made it all up?"

"No, Daisy didn't know. She thought it was real too."

"You tricked Clover and her cousin!?" Parker exclaimed. A worried expression flashed on his face, but it passed too quickly for me to see it properly.

"Stop talking," Donatella said. "I got it. Take a look."

All of us got closer to the screens and somehow I found himself beside Parker. I got so distracted by his hand that was right next to mine, I couldn't even pay attention to what Donatella was telling us. I blnked multiple times which Zoey seemed to notice, as she glanced at me worriedly.

"Are you okay Clover?" she asked. Everyone looked at me in unison.

I shot my eyes back at the screen in front of me. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's cool. Thanks for noticing, Zoey." I added the last part more forcefully, while shooting a glare towards her direction. Parker actually seemed amused while Diego was just confused, trying to figure out what had happened.

"Anyways. Back to what I was saying," Donatella said, putting on a pair of clear purple glasses.. "I've spent practically my whole life working on this."

"So what is it?" Bizaria asked impatiently, tapping her foot on the floor.

Donatella pulled up a drawing of a place where everything was grey and beige. There was sand, rocks, and a few plants. But there was nobody to be seen. It was like the place was empty.

"What you're looking at is the place in between this dimension and the other. It's called Oasis. A place where you don't really know if anything is real. Many have been there and many have tried to reach the other dimension, but all have failed," she informed us.

"What happened? To those people, I mean," Diego pondered.

Donatella shrugged. "No one really knows but it's rumoured they get stuck there. Forever."

I frowned. "So... you mentioned another dimension? What is it?"

"It's really just a copy of the dimension we're in now. Except the life forms there are the alter egos of every single elf that lives in these cities."

I opened my mouth to say something but Donatella cut me off.

"Yes, each one of you has an alter ego who resides in the other dimension. It's pretty cool if you think about it."

"Come on. Clover, do you really believe this?" Parker asked me, skeptically.

"I do."

Donatella smiled at me. "Thank you. You're not the first elf to question me, Parker. It really is an interesting and mysterious concept."

"But how is it possible that the water key ended up there? I mean, nothing there is real, right? Just alter egos?" Zoey wanted to know.

"No, everything there is real. What's not to say we're the alter egos of them, and they're the real elves. See? It's complicated. But what I know is that someone managed to make it there. And they brought the water key with them."

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