Chapter 7

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How on earth could they not understand? It was so obvious!

"So go to his house. That's it. How did you guys not figure that out?" I frowned.

Donatella glanced at me sternly. Her eyes were ice blue, I realized. "Do you know where his house is?"

"No," I admitted slowly. "But it won't be hard to find out. Just do a couple of searches."

"Go ahead, Clover," Donatella said, allowing me to use her mouse and keyboard. I typed in Alastair Clinton's name into the search box but nothing came up on where he lived.


"Oh, I guess nobody knows."

Daisy sighed. "We've been trying to figure it out for a whole week already. It's like he never existed, even though we know he has."

Never... existed...

"Can I see the tree trunk? To solve this, I need to see the real evidence," I blurted out suddenly, causing Donatella to watch me suspiciously. "I promise I'm not going to try to escape or something. I need to get Daisy out of here too."

"Gee, thanks for thinking about me," Donatella answered. "Fine. We'll go see it later. I'll make sure the time's right so your father won't notice."

"And when will that be?" Daisy wanted to know.

"Shh... you'll know when I say so."

3 hours later, we were lined up at one of the exits of the soon-to-crumble castle that my father had built a whole empire under.

"This way," whispered Donatella. It was hard enough to sneak out of her lab quietly and unseen, but now it was going to be even harder to get past members of The Cloaked, who guard the structure. Daisy stayed back in the lab so she could alert us if there was trouble, using Donatella's beepers. But I was pretty sure another reason was so I didn't escape with her, which I wasn't going to do anyways.

"There are so many cloaked elves. How are we going to get past them?" I hissed.

Donatella grabbed my arm firmly. "Come on, I already have a plan."

She thrusted me into the corridor that led to the door. I panicked because right in front of me was a cloaked figure, their back turned towards me. I turned around to glare at Donatella but I didn't see her anywhere.

Oh, no.

"Yoohoo!" a voice called out, somewhere from the right side. The elf in front of me turned its head and carefully walked towards the voice. Soon enough, it took off and it was my time to escape. I ran through the exit and found myself free. I had no idea where to go so I ran to the nearest bush and hid behind it. I heard footsteps from around me and drew in a deep breath.

Where's Donatella? Why did she just leave?

I tiptoed further away and saw someone breeze past me. I recognized the purple hair and the clothes.

"Run!" Donatella urged me. I took off after her, no idea exactly what I was running away from.

"Okay, stop. We're good."

I gaped at her, out of breath. "What was that for?"

"Someone saw me but I don't think they recognized me."

We just stood behind a tree for a few minutes. Everything was quiet and birds were chirping happily, having no idea what trouble we would be in if we were caught. Finally, Donatella deemed it was safe to proceed.

"Follow me. The trunk's this way," she said, leading me deeper into the forest. A few moments later, I found myself in front of the evidence Alastair Clinton existed and that he had discovered something more impressive than we could have ever imagined.

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