Chapter 12

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"Who?" we all asked at the same time.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you right now," Donatella snapped.

I sighed. This was a lot to take in. I noticed Zoey and Bizaria had sat down on the ground, while Diego and Parker were looking at the gadgets on the table.

"I need a breather," Diego suddenly told us. "All this new information is making my head hurt."

"Hey, there's actually a really nice lookout on this side of the castle. Plus, Master's napping at this time so it'll be really easy to get there," suggested Donatella.

Diego nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll go with you." Zoey and Bizaria both followed them out the door as well. I had started to head out when I heard Parker give out a soft cry.

"What is it?" I asked, turning towards him.

He lifted his right hand and I saw his index finger stuck inside some sort of contraption. "Um..."

"Seriously? Ugh. I suppose that's what you get for touching things that aren't yours." He was honestly kind of cute, standing here with something dangling off his finger, so I tried to help him.

I stepped closer to him and examined his finger. "Sorry. I haven't ever seen this... thing." I put my own finger on the other side of the device.

"Wait!" warned Parker.

But it was too late. My left hand finger was stuck on the other side of this... trap.

"I know what it is now and I know how we can get free," Parker piped up, as I tried to tug my finger out.

"Why's it getting tighter?" I wailed, as I kept pulling my finger towards me.

"Stop, stop. That makes it worse," he said. Suddenly, he placed his other hand on my back and pushed me closer to him. "Here."


We were only inches apart as Parker lowered his hand, which made mine lower too. There was a short moment of silence before he finally said something.

"Um... so this is me taking the first initiative," he whispered. All at once, his other hand took mine, his eyes closed, and his mouth was heading right towards mine.

This isn't happening. I'm dreaming, I thought. But it was. Parker freaking Florest kissed me. Sure, it was just a quick peck but it happened. When we parted, I immediately darted my eyes to the ground. Suddenly, my left finger felt free. I looked down and our fingers had been released from the contraption.

I couldn't help but giggle. "No way. There's no way."

"What?" Parker asked, amused.

"How..." I lifted my head and stared into his eyes quizzically.

"It's a finger trap. I remember learning about them in a class at school. You push the fingers that are caught together to free them. If you pull away, it gets even tighter."

"Oh, so you remember how to free yourself but not which class you learnt it in?" I joked, as my face began to flush with warmth. I wanted to talk about anything except the kiss. My first kiss.

"You know I don't pay attention to anything," Parker smirked, as he tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. "Except you."

Stop. That was too ridiculously sweet.

"Hey, was that okay? What I just did?"

I blinked, until I realized what he was talking about. "Oh! Um... I..."

At that exact moment, everyone else returned back to the lab and I sprang away from Parker, tripping over my own foot. I recovered quickly though and busied myself with some of the LED lights that were crooked.

"What happened here?" Donatella curiously questioned. There was a long pause until Parker spoke up.

"Clover. Can I talk to you outside? Or somewhere quiet?" His eyebrows were creased in obvious concern and his smile wavered, making him look so much cuter.

"Use the closet. But no funny business," Donatella teased. "How did you two not talk about everything already? We were gone for so long."

More like 5 minutes, I cringed to myself, as I followed Parker into the teeny tiny closet.

What could he possibly want to say?

"Hey, um... I'm sorry. I should've asked you before I... you know," he started.


"I thought... or I hoped that you..."

"That I what?" I mumbled.

"I hoped you liked me back. As much as I like you."

My entire body froze. My eyes were directed towards my feet. What he had said... it was true.

"I do. I like you too," I whispered. "Surprise, surprise."

His face brightened immediately. I thought he was going to kiss me again, but the door opened and Bizaria's face stared at us in obvious surprise.

"Ahh! Sorry, sorry!" she cried out, as she slammed the door back shut. I glanced at Parker and we laughed together, before opening the door to join everyone else.

There was something new between us and... I liked it.

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