Chapter 14

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"Hey, are you okay?" Parker asked, squeezing my hand. We had just arrived back at the lab and my friends were all seated around Donatella.

I bit my lip as I looked around the room. "Parker. Can we not do this here?"

"Oh, sure. No problem."

It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him about our relationship. I just didn't feel comfortable telling everyone yet.

Donatella squinted her eyes towards her many computer screens. "Guys, let's focus. I'm going to need your help on finding the portal to the other dimension." All of us gathered around her desk while she pulled up some notes.

"Do you have any idea where it could be?"

Donatella shook her head the moment someone knocked on the door. I turned to all my friends as my heart raced unstoppably.

"Hide!" I whispered urgently, gesturing towards the closet. They all disappeared within seconds and quietly closed the door. Donatella stood up and peaked her head outside.

"Oh, Master! What a surprise!" she forcefully grinned, eyeing the mess my friends had left on the floor. She opened the door wider and tilted her head toward the mess multiple times. I crouched down to clean it up before my father could notice.

"Clover. I need you now," he told me.

"What?" I gasped.

"You need to help me with something."

"Nicholas," I began.

Ooh. It was still weird to call him that, but what else was I going to call him?

My father chuckled. "Please. Call me Father or Lord Nicholas. I was an important member of The Collective, you know? Before all this..." He looked around the room as Donatella shut down all her monitors.

I decided with the latter name choice. "Okay. Then what do you need me for, Lord Nicholas?"

"An experiment," was his response. His mouth twitched when I said his "official" name.

Donatella secretly shrugged at me. Since I didn't want him in this room, I decided to follow "Lord Nicholas'' out. I was led to a familiar hall. It was the one where we had realized Parker had betrayed our group. I recognized the stained glass windows from before. One of them was a depiction of a man, woman, and a young female child. They were all holding roses and the little girl had her hair up in two buns. If it wasn't in a creepy castle, I would've thought it was a really nice piece of artwork. I immediately noticed Daisy standing next to the throne-looking chair. There was definitely something odd about her though. Her hands with behind her back, a sweet smile was displayed on her face, and her eyes were ruby red.

"Donatella, what's going on?" I asked quietly, as I turned around to look at her.

"I don't know," she responded. "But something's wrong with Daisy."

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