Chapter 4

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"Your master!?" I cried out. My head swiveled around the room, like I was expecting someone to come out of some hidden door anytime soon. "As in..."

"Your father had high expectations for you. Too bad his apprentice solved his clue in three seconds while his daughter couldn't even understand it. What a pity."

My father...

My eyes widened in horror as I finally understood what had happened. "Why am I here? Where are my friends?"

Donatella grinned as she spun her chair to face her computer screens. "There are no friendships in this world. Everyone is two-faced and deceiving. You don't even know yourself as well as you think you do. The world, itself, is a deception."


"Please explain. I am so confused," I pleaded.

"No need. Your father will," Donatella said, as the door opened and my father walked in.

"Clover. How nice to see you again. But this time, you know who I truly am."

I backed up against the wall as Donatella waved at me and exited the room, all the bright lights and screens turning off. It was like she had power over everything in this room and my guess was that she did.

"What do you want from me?" I cautiously asked.

"To be your father. Nothing more."

I scoffed, "You're not serious. You abandoned me for my whole life. Made me think I was a completely different person! You think I'm not smart enough to know you have a million other motives that are forming in your head right now?"

My father, I'll call him Nicholas since he was no father of mine, looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry for what I did. I see now that it hurt you. But the thing is, I did it to protect you. Your mother and I decided it was for the best."

My mother. I had never known who she was. Or who she could possibly be. But now, I was aching to finally discover the truth.

"Tell me who she is," I demanded.

"I'm afraid I cannot. Your mother and I promised each other we would never reveal each other's identities after we allowed my brother to raise you. If you really want to know in the future, you'll have to look at your personal files and I don't have access to that, as I'm a fugitive at large," he answered.

"Ugh! Then at least tell me why I'm here!"

Nicholas reached into his pocket while I carefully took a few steps backwards.

"Because you're going to help me get what I want, daughter."

"Don't you dare call me your daughter. And absolutely not, why would I help you!?" I shouted.

"I think I have someone who'll convince you," he smiled sinisterly, snapping his fingers.

I knew it. That whole 'I'm sorry' and 'I want to be a better father' was an act.

"Hi Clover," a soft voice whispered. Daisy walked into the room. Her eyes were red, lips were formed into the same type of smile Nicholas displayed, and her arms were crossed in front of her. "I missed you," she continued. Her eyes kept staring into mine and suddenly, I began to feel dizzy once more. When I finally recovered, I felt something change from inside of me. I was different. I immediately remembered what had happened outside of Feather Crown and rushed to the computer monitors. I stared into the reflection and understood what had just happened.

I was possessed. And darkness has started to control me.

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