Chapter 2

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My heart skipped a beat as I started to cough.

"What on earth?" Parker muttered under his breath, while Zoey patted me on the back.

I stared at the ceiling nervously, like someone would pop out any second. "I'm going to go."

"No, stop," Parker hollered. "You seriously aren't thinking about giving yourself to whoever that was, right?"

"Parker! There are so many elves inside this school. I can't just let them all be in danger just because of me. I'm going."

"Clover! Woah, woah, woah!" someone called from behind me. I turned around and saw Diego, Bizaria, and Bahiyyah all rushing towards me.

"You are not going!" Diego said firmly. Everyone else nodded in agreement as he grabbed my arm.

"Diego, let go!" I cried. Didn't he understand that many lives were on the line, not just me. Even now, students and teachers began to file out of their classrooms, heading downstairs to the safe rooms. "You don't get it. You're this golden boy from this golden family but I'm just a weird freaky elf that has more than one ability for some reason. I've basically lost my whole family and I can't have anyone else go through what I have!"

"You're not freaky," Parker murmured, his eyes pointed towards the ground. "You're the most powerful elf our world has ever seen in decades. You're special and unique. Anything but weird or freaky."

Zoey gaped at him. "Wow. You're actually acting somewhat normal."

"Stop. We have a bigger issue at hand," Bizaria cut in.

"How about you all go outside or wherever that stranger wants you to go? That way Clover isn't by herself," Bahiyyah suggested.

And that's exactly what we did. All of us cautiously headed out of the school to find Daisy, Axel, and another teenage girl I've never seen standing before us.

"Daisy!" I exclaimed.

"Be careful," warned Parker, grabbing my arm firmly.

Daisy's eyes met mine and I could see the unusual ruby red colour. I began to feel dizzy, my head began to throb, and my surroundings began to blur.

"Clover, are you okay? Clover!" a voice from somewhere around me called out. I couldn't even tell who it was that asked.

"I'm..." I pressed a hand onto my forehead, as I dropped to the ground, eyes closed.

"Clover!" a sweet but frantic voice cried out, leaning down beside me. It was Zoey. This time, I knew.

"What did you do to her?" a voice demanded, as my mind began to spin and I felt like I was going to faint.


I realized it was Diego who yelled, "Tell me!" There was some sort of despair and worry in his voice I've never heard from him before.

Suddenly, a dark figure came out of the woods.

"Clover Southland," he said. I've heard his voice before but where?

I weakly lifted my head as the man walked even closer to me with something that looked like a mirror in his hand. He kneeled in front of me as Zoey squeezed my shoulder protectively. I heard her mumbling words but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

"What..." I fragily said. "What do you want?"

Without speaking, the man brought the mirror right in front of my face and I stared into it. My blonde hair was a mess, my cape wrinkled, and my eyes... were red.

Before I knew it, I fainted.

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