Chapter 5

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"Good job, Daisy," Nicholas said. Then, he turned his attention to me. "So, Clover, will you help me?"

No, my brain told me, but the words that came out of my mouth were completely different.

"Of course."

"Good," he continued.

"Master, how about we take care of Clover's friends first?" interjected Daisy.

My friends? They were here?

"Tell me what to do," I said, but didn't mean it. Clearly whatever this power was, they could control what I said, but not my thoughts or my mind. My body decided to follow Nicholas and Daisy into a separate room, where Donatella was faced with her back towards us. Seated in front of her were a group of elves. A group I recognized very well.

"Clover!" Diego exclaimed. He jumped up the second he saw me, concern written all over his flawless face. Everyone else perked up and quickly followed Diego's lead.

"Are you okay?" Zoey immediately asked, reaching for my hand. So sweet.

"Yes!" my voice burst out, startling everyone including myself. I saw my father exchange a smirk with my cousin.

"So, you want your little friends to go, right?" Daisy suggested, coming over to squeeze my arm.


But my voice said something completely different. "Yes, I would love for you to leave me alone."

Every single one of my friends looked offended and hurt.

"Excuse me?" Bizaria lifted her eyebrows, like she knew something was off about me.

I gulped but my voice kept spitting out things I didn't mean. "You're excused. Go away."

Nicholas opened another door. I was getting tired of doors at this point. He gestured to my friends for them to exit, but I pleaded for them to not leave with my eyes. Parker was the only one who saw the desperateness and tilted his head to one side in confusion.

"Are you okay?" he mouthed. I eyed Nicholas and Daisy who were about to herd my friends away and quickly gave my head one shake. I lifted my hand and pointed to my eyes. Parker's jaw immediately dropped and I knew he understood what I was telling him.

"Okay," Parker agreed, nodding at Nicholas. "We'll go. We'll get out of your way, Clover. Seems to me you don't need our help."

Zoey paused. "Huh? Are you okay, Parker? What happened to supporting Clover forever and ever?"

Wait... what? Was Zoey telling the truth? No... Parker wouldn't say something like that, especially not regarding me.

He forcefully smiled at everyone and ushered them away, while Diego threw me one last nervous glance.

"Well done," Nicholas said to me, closing the door behind my friends. "I knew you could do it. Both of you." He snapped his fingers and I jolted, feeling a spinning sensation once again. He left the room with a wave. I looked at Daisy, who also seemed to be confused. Her eyes weren't red anymore. Thank goodness.

"Clover?" her tiny voice piped up.

I smiled. "Daisy."

"And I'm Donatella," a sarcastic voice laughed. Oh. I had forgotten she was in the room.

"Now that we're done with introductions, come to my lab and help me with something. Something even your father doesn't know about, Clover," Donatella whispered, with a wink.

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